July 03, 2022

According to some government dweeb in Oregon, "urgency is a white-supremacy value." They really said that.

The wokies running all levels of insane gruberment are getting worse by the minute.  First they decreed that "Math beez raaaaacis'!"  Then it was "Insisting that people show up on time to work or for meetings beez raaaacis'!"

And now for the latest installment:  Some racist moron in Oregon's "health department" has now stated--as if a proven fact--that "urgency is a white-supremacy value."  

Ah, you think this is just satire, eh?  Here ya go:

This just gets crazier and crazier.  At this rate it probably won't be long before urging employees "We need to get this done fast" is deemed a "hate crime" by the morons in the Oregon health department.


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