July 29, 2022

Organization that sets teaching standards for med-schools demands they take time away from medicine to teach wokie crap

A medical doctor has written a piece for the NY Post warning that the same radical woke activists who’ve devastated K-12 education are about to force every medical school to take class time away from medicine and science and instead use it to indoctrinate students, with the goal of forcing them to learn wokie crap.

The wokie radical activists in this case control an organization called the "Association of American Medical Colleges" (AAMC), which runs the MCAT and decrees teaching standards for 171 U.S. and Canadian medical schools.  That is, the AAMC tells schools what they must teach.  It also creates the test (MCAT) that determines which students are admitted to med schools.

And as you already guessed, the new "standards" ordered by these wokie morons are "diversity, inclusion and equity."

It's a huge challenge for med-school students to learn everything they need to know to be competent doctors in the allotted time.  And just as K-12 education has suffered--greatly--from diverting limited class-time to teach worthless crap forced by Ivy League teachers' colleges, woke school boards and wokie bureaucrats, the "woke" courses the AAMC dictators are now demanding med-schools teach their students will consume valuable time that would otherwise have been spent learning actual medicine and science.

The new demands--rolled out in mid-July--are overtly ideological.  Don’t take my word for it: When announcing the standards, the AAMC’s president and chair of its council of deans declared that woke identity politics “deserves just as much attention from learners and educators at every stage of their careers as the latest scientific breakthroughs."

Seriously.  But in reality, by taking limited class time for his "wokie" crap instead of actual medicine, he and his supporters are claiming, in effect, that more patients will benefit from doctors learning about "intersectionality" than about actual medicine.

For example, under the new "standards" med-school grads must be fluent in something called “intersectionality.” This includes “demonstrat[ing] evidence of self-reflection and how one’s personal identities, biases, and lived experience” influence clinical practice, as well as identifying a “patient’s multiple identities and how each may result in varied and multiple forms of oppression.”

That word-salad is an actual quote from the new "standards."

Oppression is a consistent theme of the AAMC's demands, which will require that all students be able to describe “the impact of various systems of oppression on health and healthcare,” including “colonialism, White Supremacy, acculturation, [and] assimilation.”

Students must also identify “systems of power, privilege and oppression,” including “white privilege, racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, [and] religious oppression.” The AAMC demands that graduates "practice allyship,” which is defined as “recogniz[ing] their privilege” and “work[ing] in solidarity with oppressed groups in the struggle for justice.”

The "new standards" demand that graduates be able to “articulate race as a social construct that is a cause of health and health care inequities.” And they must look beyond health care itself to “identify and address social risk factors,” like “food security, housing, utilities, [and] transportation.”

It doesn't take a PhD to realize that ordering that lots of hours of precious class time be used to indoctrinate students with "woke" racist crap must necessarily reduce the amount of time left to teach actual medicine.

The real-world harm of this moronic demand will be severe.

The most enraging part of this whole DECREE is: Barring someone getting to the head of the AAMC, these "new standards" can't be stopped.  By some malign twist, the AAMC has accrued the power of life and death over med schools.  No school is willing to risk being unaccredited by complaining about what I've described above.

Again, these "new standards" will cause real-world harm.  And you can't stop the AAMC from ramming them through.



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