Dem convert their lone senate holdout, set to pass a law enacting roughly half of the Green New Deal
Every American has heard about a Democrat program called the Green New Deal, in which the Dems used the fake threat of Global Warming to demand that the U.S. stop using all carbon-based fuels, supposedly because burning carbon fuels produces CO2, which supposedly makes the Earth warmer.
Ah. So if we agree to the Democrats' demand that we not burn carbon fuels, what do they propose we use for energy?
Why, "renewable energy," of course--wind, solar and hydroelectric power.
Wait, what about nuclear? Using nuclear to make electricity doesn't produce CO2, so that should still be acceptable under the faaabulous all-electric Green New Deal, right?
No. "Too dangerous, comrade. Look at all the people killed by the accident at Chernobyl. Way too dangerous!" So...just wind, solar and hydro.
Some engineer: " DO realize that solar and wind are intermittent, right? And that when either one stops working for a few hours, either a few million Americans won't have electricity, or else you're gonna need to build a LOT more dams to have enough hydro to fill in for the down-time of wind and solar."
Democrats: "Whut? No, we won't allow you build any more dams, cuz dat ruins pretty valleys!"
Engineer: "Ah. So your faaabulous "Deal" will ensure that parts of the country lose electric power about half the time. Is that right??
Democrats: "Whut? Dat not our problem. You not allowed to talk about stuff like dat! Your social-media accounts have been deleted! YOU GO NOW!"
Mainstream Media hacks: "YEAH! You stupid engineers don't care about killing po' folks, an' all da cute li'l puppies an' kittycats! You haters!!! We're saving the planet, and all you wanna do is whine that a few million Americans will lose power for a few hours every week. Geez!"
Engineer: "One more thing. There's no way to power commercial jets with electricity, and they burn lots of kerosene. So will you Democrats ban commercial jet travel?"
Democrats: "Don't be silly! Jet travel will still be allowed! But only for Very Important People, like members of congress, government officials and Hollywood stars. We'll compensate for the CO2 by hiring fired pilots, flight attendants, ground crew and people who worked in the oil business to plant more trees! But of course we'll pay 'em the new Democrat-ordered minimum wage of $15 per hour, so they'll be happy."
Engineer: "Interesting claim. So how would those of us who aren't part of your "elite" class get from, say, LA to DC?"
Democrats: "Isn't it obvious? Electric vehicles! Doesn't matter that it'll take 3 days instead of six hours because we have to make a few sacrifices to save the Erf:
Engineer: "So regular people sacrifice 3 days while you people fly there in six hours, eh?"
Democrats: "Um...yes. Because your time isn't as important as OUR time."
Now here's the real hoot: Back in 2019 the main pusher of the Green New Deal admitted that the real goal of the entire bullshit "Green New Deal" is NOT stopping Global Warming, but to push the U.S. further into...socialism.
Ah, I hear many of you saying that's un-possible--it has to be a conspiracy story concocted by right-wing extremists! Certainly it does sound unbelievable, but it's true--as printed by the Left-wing rag, the Washington Post. The son of a bitch pushing it admitted it, in a 2019 interview with the Post.
This POS who said that is Saikat Chakrabarti, and unless you follow politics closely you've never heard of him. He was chief of staff and campaign manager for the congressional campaign of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez--and a gushing admirer of communism.
In a July 2019 interview with the Washington Post, Chakrabarti admitted that the Green New Deal
...wasn’t originally a climate thing at all. Do you guys [reporters] think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a ‘how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy’ thing. We don’t say this but instead conceal it, because if we [admitted it] we'd have to explain why the epic failures of socialist regimes in our lifetimes should not be a red flag against repeating them.
This was published in the Post, which is a pro-Democrat, anti-conservative rag, so it's an "admission against interest." You should know what that implies.
SO...with that as background: The Democrats knew so many voters opposed their faaabulous Green New Deal that they never even brought it to the floor of either chamber of congress, since they knew they didn't have the votes to pass it. But thanks to Democrats, about half of the Deal is on track to become law within a week. A new bill would spend $390 BILLION on "de-carbonization improvements" like giving po' folk $4000 to buy used "clean energy" vehicles (no definitions yet), and a staggering $7,000 "rebate" to people who buy a new EV. Cuz, see, dem 'lectric cars don' use no carbon fuel, eh citizen? Surely mus' be true, cuz dey sayd it. An' duh Democraps nevah lie, right?
One of my favorite boondoggles in the bill is $9 BILLION fo' "consumer home energy rebate programs, focused on low-income consumers, to electrify home appliances and for energy efficient retrofits." Now, jus' whut kinda "home appliances" run on gas dat duh Dems wanna change to 'lectric, eh? Do duh dishwasha run on gas? Well, not home gas, anyway, even though right now 60% of all electricity comes from burning carbon fuels.
Do duh lights run on gas? Same answer. How 'bout duh TeeVee? Same answer. So what is the ONLY target here, eh?
It's duh hot-water heater. Lots of gas HWHs in homes, cuz it costs a lot less to heat water with gas than with electricity. But duh Dems gonna give po' folk $9 BILLION to junk duh gas HWHs an' buy a 'lectric one.
Is this stupid, almost beyond belief? Why yes, yes it is. But duh Democraps control ev'ryting, so can't be prevented from doing whatever they want.
Here's another gem: "$2 billion in grants to retool existing auto manufacturing facilities to manufacture clean vehicles, ensuring that auto manufacturing jobs stay in the communities that depend on them."
So duh Dems gonna give $2 BILLION to duh auto makers so dey kin make dem EVs, eh? Cuz, bribes.
But dat's not duh biggest slush-fund: It's duh $30 BILLION in "loans to build new clean vehicle manufacturing facilities." That'll be a total disaster, as incompetent or corrupt bureaucrats give half-billion-dollar loans to scam artists, exactly as happened with the so-called "Paycheck Protection Program," in which roughly two BILLION was grabbed by scammers claiming to own businesses with 80 employees--despite the business being supposedly run out of their apartment.
Three BILLION for "Environmental and Climate Justice" grants, which are supposedly given to "community-led projects in disadvantaged communities and community capacity-building centers to address disproportionate environmental and public health harms related to pollution and climate change.
Wait, what is a "community capacity-building center"? They don't define it. Which means the Dem bureaucracy can give tens or hundreds of millions to anyone they like, for any purpose.
Wait, dat not enuf, so dey add anuddah three BILLION
....for Neighborhood Access and Equity grants, to support neighborhood equity, safety, and affordable transportation access, with competitive grants to reconnect communities divided by existing infrastructure barriers...
What the fuck does that even MEAN? It means anything the Democrats giving out these "grants" decide to spend it on.
...mitigate negative impacts of transportation facilities or construction
projects on disadvantaged or underserved communities...
Same response as above. What's a "negative impact of transportation facilities," eh? This is so fucking vague that the Dems could give a half-BILLION grant to, say, install noise-reducing windows on homes near freeways or airports. Money vanishes, no one will ever hear about it. If you think that won't happen, search for "Solyndra." Made solar panels. Company execs donated max amounts to Obozo, and got a government-guaranteed loan for...half a BILLION dollars. Three weeks later they declared bankruptcy--after giving top execs multi-millioin-dollar bonuses! No one was charged, and taxpayers re-paid the corrupt loan. Cool, eh?
...and support equitable transportation planning and community engagement activities.
"Community-engagement activities"?? That could be more millions to "midnight basketball." It's so damn vague that it's a cover for any bullshit the Dems wanna fund--like the whole bill.
- Three billion for "Grants to Reduce Air Pollution at Ports" (caps in the Democrat press release), "supporting the purchase and installation of zero-emission equipment and technology at ports."
Again, what does this actually mean? Presumably they wanna replace piston engines wif' dem faabulous electric vehicles.
- "More than $20 billion to support climate-smart agriculture practices."
Oh, like banning nitrogen-based fertilizers (unless dried sewage residue, which is currently used)? Canada has already proposed banning those, and the Netherlands already has. Without fertilizer, food production plummets. That's fine with the Democrats, because you can eat insects (seriously), while they can afford steak.
- $5 billion in grants to support healthy, fire resilient forests, forest conservation and urban tree planting.
- "Tax credits and grants to support the domestic production of biofuels, and to build the infrastructure needed for sustainable aviation fuel and other biofuels."
- $2.6 billion in grants to conserve and restore coastal habitats and protect communities that depend on those habitats.
"To conserve and restore coastal habitats and protect communities..." eh? That's pure pork, like everything else in this bill. Nothing at all to do with energy. My guess is some cunning Democrat's brother will apply for a grant to put a two-foot-tall concrete barrier around Obozo's palatial estates on Martha's Vinyard and in Hawaii, claiming taxpayers "must preserve the homes of former presidents." And he'll offer to do it for a trivial $75 million.
That's enough examples for now. Point is, this entire bill is a total Democrat boondoggle--a "white elephant." A bill tailor-made for kickbacks and corruption. Click on this link to read the Democrats' own summary of this utter horse-shit bill.
And as long as the Democrats rule, this $390 BILLION of pure pork is just the beginning. And yet the stupid average Dem voter will think this is the greatest bill EVAH! Cuz it beez savin' duh Erf! An' all duh puppies an' kittycats and unicorns!
Thanks, Democrats. And thanks to all the folks who helped steal the electionS (plural) that not only saddled us with Porridgebrain, but also gave the Dems control of the corrupt senate. Cuz without the steal of the two Georgia senate seats in the runoff election January 3rd of 2021, the Dems wouldn't control the senate.
Barring divine intervention, the U.S. is doomed, thanks to Dems and their RINO allies.
Good piece analyzing how the Left has taken over the universities, ensuring that no studies will be published on Global Warming unless they support the Democrat lie about it.
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