April 01, 2022

Two senators introduce bank-record evidence of $100,000 payment by Chinese govt agents to...Hunter Biden

Yesterday two senators--speaking on the senate floor--showed the rest of the senate, and the American public, huge blowups of a $100,000 "wire transfer" from two Chinese government officials to one of Hunter Biden's companies.

I can hear my liberal friends and siblings now: "Dis not real!  Dem senators be LYIN'!  Dis be 'Russian disinformation.'  Duh Russians jus' typed up dis fake and two dumb Republican senators fell for it!  Besides, there are LOTS of TOTALLY legitimate reasons for the Chinese government to pay Hunter $100,000.  They might have been buying a stake in one of his companies!  Yeh, dat's it!  Dis payment bees totally legitimate!  Cuz our preznit could not POSSIBLY be corrupt!  Nope nope nope."

Listen up:  There are three clear, telling levels of the fatal corruption of a nation's government:  First is the evidence itself.  An honest press would investigate.  A corrupt press refuses to investigate, or to even report the evidence, lest voters reject their favored (corrupt) political party.  That's the second level.

The third level is that when so much evidence has been discovered that it's impossible to explain away most of it, essentially half the population STILL refuses to believe the evidence.  They're either so damn stupid, or so eager to deny corruption to keep the government "freebies" flowing, that they're willing to keep voting for the corrupt party.

We're seeing that now.

Now:  Citizens of once-free nations believe--naively--that if one party is hopelessly corrupt, We the People can solve that by voting the corrupt party out of power.  At one time that may have been true.  But November of 2020 showed that the Democrats could brazenly, obviously commit massive election fraud, and not a single court would even agree to hear the evidence.  So what was once a solution is no longer available IF the Democrats decide to cheat again this November.

So here's the big question: Will they cheat again?

Answer:  Why would they NOT cheat again--because it doesn't carry ANY risk of penalty? 

So...watch for the following to happen, starting around August: 

  • No matter how the Russian invasion of Ukraine is going, the media will claim that situation has been "stabilized" thanks to the strong leadership of Porridgebrain and his brilliant VP.
  • As gas and oil prices drop a few percent from all-time highs, the media will claim that "gasoline prices are falling, thanks to the president's policies."
  • The Media will claim that IF gas prices are higher than they were when Trump was president, that's a GOOD thing because "we're saving the planet by ending global warming, and it's all due to the policies of our brilliant president and his faaabulous VP.
  • The Media will claim "Inflation isn't a problem.  It's no worse than the historic average."  That's a brazen lie but the average voter has no idea, so...  
  • The Media will claim that a small amount of inflation is actually a good thing, because...mumbo-jumbo, bullshit bullshit.  It will sound plausible, and half the public will believe it, just like half the public believed --against ALL logic--that Putin conspired to help Trump defeat Hilliary.
  • Given all the above bullshit, polls will begin showing that the election is a toss-up.  A "dead heat" between the parties.  So then when the Democrats--against all logic--end up only losing a few seats in the House and only one in the senate, Democrat voters will be certain that this result is TOTALLY reasonable, so there could not have been any vote fraud.
  • Since half the population believes no massive vote fraud, why would any court bother to hear a case claiming there WAS, eh?  Just as happened in 2020.

Hope I'm wrong.

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