December 18, 2021

Pro sports teams almost 100% jabbed, but significant numbers of players are getting covid. Hmmm....

Biden [spit], Fauci [spit]] and CDC director Rochelle Walensky all claimed that if you got the jab, you couldn't get duh virus.  We've got each of those lying pieces of crap on video saying exactly that.

Except...we now know a huge number of vaxxed people HAVE gotten duh virus.  So many that last September, without any announcement or public comment period or fanfare, the CDC quietly changed their official DEFINITION of "vaccine" from "something that keeps you from getting a disease" to "something that improves your immune system."  Wow!  

Reality disagreeing with universally recognized definitions?  No problem, say Democrat officials, just change the definitions to remove the conflict.  Quietly, of course.

Imagine the reaction of the Mainstream Media if a Trump CDC had done this!  They would have screamed bloody murder.  But under their Dear Leader?  Not a peep.  Not a single word on the nightly network news or in the WaPo or NYT.  Amazing.

But wait, there's more!  It's now beginning to look as though the jab may not actually give as much protection against the virus as Pfizer claims.  Clay Travis notes that the NFL, NBA and NHL are damn near 100% fully jabbed, yet are seeing significant numbers of players getting the virus.  This gives us a good estimate of the *percentage* of fully jabbed who get duh virus.  So what percentage of unjabbed get it?

Actually we can get a good estimate, because at last report 61.1% of Americans were vaxxed.  So if the covid rates were equal we'd expect almost 40% of all covid cases would be unvaxxed, eh?

Now the regime and Mainstream Media constantly tell you--constantly--that "the majority of cases are among the unvaccinated."  But I've never seen actual numbers.  Just the claim.  You'd think that every hospital would be reporting the numbers of vaxxed and unvaxxed cases, and that the Mainstream Media would be bleating the highest ratio of unvaxxed to vaxxed, eh?

But have you seen any actual numbers?  I've been looking, and not finding any.  But in a rational system, the CDC would be requiring those numbers, in order to see how effective the vax is.


FINALLY, we can all agree on something uttered by Porridgebrain.


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