December 15, 2021

NYC mayor orders everyone to show ID and proof of vax to enter a restaurant! Several eateries fined for not checking

Is this still the United States?  Which used to be called the "Land of the free"?

Not if you live in a Democrat-ruled hell-hole like NYC, Chitcongo, LA or San Fran.

In NYC, outgoing communist mayor deBlasio imposed a faaaabulous feature called "Key to NYC."  Under this dictated system (never voted on, no law passed, etc; just "imposed by a dictator"), every person 12 and older must show identification and proof of at least one dose of a covid vaccine in order to entering a restaurant.

Since that ORDER from the communist rat-bastard went into effect in August, 160 restaurants on Staten Island alone have gotten a warning from the city for failure to enforce the dictator's order.  Three Staten Island restaurants were ordered to pay a fine of $1,000 for "failing to obey" the dictator's ORDER.

Do Americans have the will, and the determination to do what's needed to take this nation back from the dictators?  It doesn't look like it.



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