December 14, 2021

Outrageous: FDA is now SEIZING ivermectin ordered by Americans from overseas (since FDA won't let you get it here)

If you get your information from the Lying Mainstream Media--or the Democrat regime--you've heard 'em tell you Ivermectin "isn't FDA-approved."  Or that "It's only used for horses."

Both statements are brazen lies.  The FDA approved ivermectin for human use over 20 years ago.  It's used in both humans and animals to kill parasites.  The damn CDC even recommends immigrants to the U.S. from Africa take ivermectin, even going so far as to state the recommended DOSE

Since it's approved for human use, this poses a HUGE problem for the FDA and CDC and the drug companies-- because ivermectin cures duh Chyna virus in 3 to 5 days.  If Americans knew that, almost no one would allow the regime or employers to force them to take the fake "vax."

In which case billions of dollars in extorted profits would instantly vanish.

Almost from the start of the plandemic, a few Americans reported amazing cures from ivermectin.  And immediately the FDA began screaming that it wasn't approved, or that it was only approved as a "horse de-wormer."  (Bet you DID hear that, didn't ya?)  Both those were brazen, total lies, and yet the corrupt FDA tweeted them.  WHY?

To preserve multiple billions of dollars in government-coerced profits, of course.  The billions in profits depended on scaring people into believing their only hope of avoiding death was to take an injection being called a “vaccine” (even though it's been shown NOT to prevent you from getting duh virus). 

To legally obtain "Emergency Use Authorization" for a "vaccine," there can't be ANY OTHER TREATMENT for a disease.  Thus Ivermectin and any other effective treatment had to be concealed and suppressed by the FDA and CDC.

But both agencies KNEW it worked.  Hell, the CDC even participated in a treatment program in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh that used ivermectin.  The drug was distributed to millions of residents, and cut that state's covid death rate to virtually zero in three weeks, even though only about 15% of the residents were vaxxed.  But you never heard that, because the FDA and CDC instructed their media lackeys not to report it.

So from the first discovery that ivermectin cured covid, the FDA has threatened U.S. doctors and pharmacists with "enforcement actions" if docs prescribed the drug or pharmacists filled any prescriptions for it.  Several of the more dictatorial Democrat governors threatened to revoke the state medical license of any doc who prescribed the drug.  Totally illegal, of course.  But what rational person would trigger the loss of income and huge legal expense by defying an ORDER, eh?

Doctors got the message right away.

For an approved drug, this is outrageous, insane.  What if an American wanted to use ivermectin to treat a parasitic disease?  FDA say "Tough shit.  We don't care that you want to use an approved drug.  Even though we approved it, we can block you from getting it--even seize packages mailed to you--and you can't do jack about it!"

Wait...WHAT?  Oh yeah:

Now the FDA has gone a huge step further:  They're working with the goddamn POST OFFICE to SEIZE any package containing this totally legal, approved drug if mailed to U.S. residents from overseas.

Read the damn letter below: (You may be able to click on it for a bigger version.)

Under what law is this permitted?  It's a LEGAL, APPROVED drug.  Yet the fucking FDA is directing the moronic robots at the Post Office to SEIZE it.

(Typical Democrat: "Dis not possible!  Dis not legal!  Gummint obey law, so would not permit it!  So you lie!")

Suppose you had a parent or grandparent who got the Chyna virus and was near death.  And suppose you wanted to try to save their life by giving 'em ivermectin.  The FDA WILL NOT LET YOU HAVE THIS DRUG-- EVEN THOUGH THEY APPROVED IT FOR HUMAN USE.

This outrage must not be allowed to continue.  All those responsible are killers, denying you this lifesaving drug and letting your loved ones die, just so they can make money.  Period.  Because the drug is approved for human use there is no other plausible explanation.

Frankly I'm amazed that no one who's lost a loved one to the virus has started shooting top FDA officials yet.



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