December 16, 2021

UPenn female swimmers complain to admin about having to compete against tranny; Admins tell 'em to...

If you pay attention to "news" you may have heard that a male-to-female tranny is competing on the girls' UPenn swim team.  Until this year he was on the mens' team, but now "identifies" as female.

To the surprise of no one, he's been winning all his events by huge margins.  And the biological females on the team are understandably mad.

Parents of ten of the girls wrote the university protesting the obvious, gross, brazen, grotesque unfairness of a man competing against women.

If you've been paying attention to how the Democrats have re-written Title IX, you can guess how that worked out:  The university wrote the parents and daughters a letter telling the girls to get mental-health counseling.

Seriously.  UPenn told them to "take advantage" of the school's "robust" psychiatric resources, as well as their LGBT support services.  Take a look:

 Please know that we fully support all our swimming student-athletes and want to help our community *navigate Lia's success in the pool* this winter.  Penn Athletics is committed to being a welcoming and inclusive environment for all our student-athletes...
    'We've encouraged our student-athletes to utilize the robust resources available to them at Penn."  

Note how the university wokies try to portray this as "helping our community navigate Lia's sucess in the pool."  What brazen horseshit.  And "Penn athletics is committed to being a welcoming and inclusive environment for ALL our student athletes."  But clearly not for biological women.

The letter then gave links to "counseling and psychological services, the LGBT Center, Restorative Practices, and 'our Center for Student-Athlete Success staff.'"

Now: Imagine if female employees at a company, instead of university students, complained of unfair treatment, and company execs told 'em to "take advantage of our counseling and psychological services."  The company would be sued and the execs responsible would be fired within days.

But when it's university administrators instead of a company, and with a Democrat regime that's rewritten Title IX to include "gender" as a special protected class, the university gets away with it.

Oh, and there's one other difference you may have noticed:  Trannies now outrank women on the victim hierarchy.

Is this still the United States?  Sure doesn't seem like it. 


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