November 22, 2021

FDA asks judge to give it 55 *years* to fully release data on Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine

Weeks ago a group of doctors and scientists called "Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency" sued the FDA under the Freedom of Information Act, seeking the release of documents related to the approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech covid vaccine.

The FDA told the court it has 329,000 pages of documents responsive to the request, but added that because it would take time to ensure the material was "properly redacted," it could only process and release 500 pages per month.

At that rate the FDA wouldn't be releaseing the last of the 329,000 pages of records until the year 2076--just under 55 years from now.

On Nov. 15th the FDA asked a federal judge to approve this astonishingly unresponsive "deal."

With the FDA clearly trying to avoid timely compliance, the parties will now argue their cases before the judge.

An attorney for the plaintiffs noted “It took the FDA 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure to the FDA licensing the Pfizer vaccine. The FDA claims to have conducted an intense, thorough and complete review and analysis of those documents to ensure that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective before approval. While it claims to have conducted that rigorous review of all of Pfizer’s documents in 108 days, it now asks for over 20,000 days to make these documents available to the public.”

The FDA did not respond to a request for comment.

One of the companies involved in the trials of the Pfizer vaccine earlier this month said it was investigating alleged problems reported by a whistleblower who told the British Medical Journal that the trial had many problems, including the falsification of data.

The whistleblower, Brook Jackson, alerted the FDA and was fired within hours. Jackson was working for Ventavia Research Group, which operated several of the Pfizer trial sites in the fall of 2020.


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