July 13, 2021

Low-level state-dept lackey tries to explain Cuban demonstrations: they are NOT protesting communist rule!

If you're under 35 or so you may not know that Cuba is a communist dictatorship, ruled by one party for the last 64 years.  The reason you may not know that is that the Mainstream Media hasn't called Cuba a communist dictatorship in 60 years, so as far as most young Americans know, it's just some country south of Florida, eh?

So...if you pay attention to events outside your neighborhood you may have heard that last Sunday tens of thousands of Cubans demonstrated in the streets of several cities, including the capital.  This is as rare as an honest Democrat poltician, so it merits a bit of investigation.  So why do ya think were they protesting?

A faceless young female official at the harris*biden State Department official--supposedly the "acting assistant secretary of the department's Buruea of Western Hemisphere Affairs (WTF?) tried to explain that in a tweet:

Julie Chung, the acting assistant secretary of the department's Buruea of Western Hemisphere Affairs tweeted "Peaceful protests are growing in Cuba as the Cuban people exercise their right to peaceful assembly to express concern about rising COVID cases/deaths & medicine shortage."

Didja get that, citizen?  That nice young leftist bleated that the protests are about "rising COVID cases and medicine shortage."  This is a brazen, flat-out LIE--as she well knows.  Oh, how do I know that?  Because the demonstrators were chanting "Liberdad!"  

Of course neither Julie nor any other apparatchik at State has any idea what that word means, so...that leaves the apparatchiks free to just spout any bullshit they like.

Sen. Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican, countered, 'This is a ridiculous tweet from StateDept.  People in Cuba are protesting 62 years of socialism, lies, tyranny & misery not 'expressing concern about rising COVID cases/deaths.' "Why is it so hard for [Slow Joe] & the people in this administration to say that?"

Rep. Dan Crenshaw also hammered Chung's tweet.  "No they’re chanting LIBERTAD. Stop playing cover for communists and support the Cuban people. My god. Why is that so hard for you?" 

When press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about Chung's tweet at Monday's White House press briefing, she claimed "We're still assessing what is motivating and of course is driving all these individuals who came to the streets."  Sure.  You bet.  It's a total mystery, so we need a few weeks to "assess" the cause, eh?

Psaki said almost anything could be sparking demonstrations, including 'economic suppression, media suppression, lack of access to health and medical supplies, including vaccines."  But not dictatorial communism, lack of freedom, poor government-rationed health care, or government-set low wages.  Or indeed, anything about communist rule.  Cuz to Jen-baby and her bosses, communism bees gud.

In fact, not a single mainstream-media outlet mentioned even the possibility that any Cubans could be unhappy due to communist rule.  Apparently everyone in the Mainstream Media thought that was simply unpossible.


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