June 25, 2021

Guy addresses marxist school board, which threatens him; guy then quotes Supreme Court ruling, wins internet

As everyone with an IQ over room temperature quickly realized, "critical race theory" is pure marxist crap, and Americans have had enough of it, and of the thousands of marxist-dominated school boards that have made it part of the official curriculum.

Finally--amazingly--parents are pushing back.  Not "fighting back," but simply speaking out at school board meetings, angrily criticizing the "woke" marxists.  And the "woke" marxist board members don't like it one bit, because it's exposed 'em for who they really are.  And in meeting after meeting, the marxist board members are declaring the meeting an "illegal gathering"--seriously--and ordering their muscled thugs to remove every member of the public, and arrest anyone who resists.

And they've been getting away with it, because 50-year-old parents can't beat 30-year-old, 250-pound muscled, gun-toting thugs.

But finally, yesterday the man in the pic below addressed the school board where he lived, citing a 1964 ruling by the Supreme Court that explicitly protected free speech.  It's worth watching.

[Pic is a screenshot]



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