April 29, 2021

"Woke" K-12 administrators strike again: 'Let's give a fake curriculum to parents so they don't see what we're really teaching!'

For all the incalculable damage the Chinese virus has done, it's had one unintentional benefit:  When all public schools switched to "remote learning," with students using computers at home, for the first time parents were able to see exactly what public schools were teaching their kids.  

Yep, thanks to virtual learning, for the first time ever, parents could see what public schools were teaching their children.  And many white parents were stunned to learn that the people they'd trusted to teach their kids were actually filling their kids with racist lies, telling 'em all white people were guilty of being raaaacists, and were guilty for slavery having been a thing all over the world when our nation was founded.  

And the parents of these helpless kids--kids being constantly harranged for things they had no part in--began to complain.  Loudly.

Most school administrators seem to have simply ignored the complaints.  After all, the vast majority of parents can't afford to send their kids to expensive private schools, so unless they want to home-school they have to send their kids to public schools. 

But one school administration official had a cunning idea for how to deal with complaints from parents about the indoctrination of their children:  

She emailed all middle- and highschool principals in her district, suggesting that teachers be instructed to create a fake curriculum that would be given to parents--one that omitted all the raaaacist, socialist indoctrination.

Seriously, this happened.

Natalie Fallert, who has the title of Literacy Speech Coordinator, emailed all middle and high school principals in the district she rules that parents had repeatedly complained that “we are pushing an agenda,” “we are pushing Critical Race Theory,” “we are making white kids feel bad about their privilege,” “we are teaching kids to be social activists,” and “we are teaching kids to be democratic thinkers and activists.”

Here’s her cunning solution, in her own words:

This doesn’t mean throw out the lesson and find a new one. Just pull the resource off Canvas so parents can't see it … 
Keep teaching! Just don’t make everything visible on Canvas. This is not being deceitful. This is just doing what you have done for years. Prior to the pandemic you didn’t send everything home or have it available. You taught in your classroom and things were peachy keen. We are going old-school. … 
You could Duplicate [sic] an entry/lesson in Canvas (making 2 copies) Publish ONE for the whole class that is a LEAN version of the lesson. The “original” that has all the stuff on it, can be published and only assigned to specific students...You can publish the NEW one that has less information on it.  
Anything that “could” be picked apart I would suggest using this above approach… you could just not give them access to the [real] story.
After Natalie's email was discovered by parents, the school district gave the totally-predictable response: "Your oh-so-responsible, reliable, true-blue-American school administration didn't approve this!  This was the work of an individual speaking on her own behalf!  Yep yep yep."

Oh, so does that mean you fired this supposedly rogue administrator?

"Uh...um...uh...Oh yeah: 'Our policy is never to comment on personnel matters.'!  Yeh, dat's it."

Now for the surprise:  Most of you reading this probably think this happened in a school district in one of the Democrat shithole cities, where we all expect this sort of thing.  But no, it happened in Missouri, and not in woke/black St. Louis but in the Rockwood school district.

Take a look at their webpage.  See if they still show Natalie on the staff--as "Literacy Speech Coordinator."




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