April 25, 2021

7-year-old girl killed by six shots out of 50 fired at her father in Chicago; why has story gotten so little airtime?

Wow, did you hear about the cops last week in Chitcongo who walked up to a car at a McD's drive-thru in the middle of Sunday afternoon and opened fire on a black male, thought to be a gang member.  Fifty shots were fired--six of which killed the guy's lovely 7-year-old daughter.  The gang-member father was wounded but injury was minor.

It's outrageous! that cops keep killing blacks--especially outrageous when an accidental victim is an innocent 7-year-old girl!

You DID hear about this, right?  I mean, the story had ALL the items that make a screaming headline for the Mainstream Media, right?  Innocent 7-year-old girl cut down a hail of gunfire at a McD's drive-thru on a warm Sunday afternoon.  It's enough to make you scream in anger at the utter injustice of it all.  This ghastly story should have been carried by CNN, MSNBC and the WaPost.  I'm amazed that it hasn't gotten much air.

It's just outrageous that.... Wait, what?  You say the innocent 7-year-old was NOT killed by cops?  But...but...but...who did kill her?  And why has the media largely ignored this horrific story?   Shouldn't they all be outraged regardless of whether she was killed by cops or...

Oh.  Nevermind.

Marion Lewis, charged in murder of 7-year-old girl




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