March 20, 2021

Crazy "wokie" academics demand that the term "quantum supremacy" be banned. And you can guess why.

The cancer started in social science departments, where no one was learning anything useful anyway. Unfortunately, "woke," snowflake ideology has now invaded real science:

In an op-ed in the once-sane Scientific American, two professors have demanded that the physics term “quantum supremacy” be banned.


See, the word "quantum" sounds similar to an obscure Babylonian word for "white," so it's, like, totally reasonable that good anti-racist wokies would ban "quantum supremacy," eh?

This sounds like satire, but the article is actually titled “Physicists Need to Be More Careful with How They Name Things.”

Okay, just kidding about "quantum."  The real finger-shake by the profs is that the word "supremacy" is offensive, because liberals and other wokies have repeatedly, endlessly screamed at the rest of us about the innate "white supremacy" of our society.  So the word “supremacy” must be banned due to that association.

Of course the term "quantum supremacy" has nothing to do with race, let alone whiteness, instead being coined by quantum physicist John Preskill to refer to quantum computers outperforming conventional ones.  Even the wokie authors of the op-ed admit that "quantum supremacy" has nothing to do with racism, but scold us that it is “uncomfortably reminiscent” of “white supremacy.”  Seriously, they say that. 

One day later, other academics demanded that the term "quantum computer" also be banned, because of its association with "quantum supremacy."

Everything in academia today is about political correctness; that is to say, it is about hatred of white men.

If you think that's satire: The authors of the op-ed in Scientific American add that while they admit that banning the term “quantum supremacy” would not actually "diversify" science, it would be a small step toward making the scientific community “less white and male.”

Cuz wokies don't believe white males have ever invented or discovered anything that's helped the human condition, eh?



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