March 26, 2021

Has BidenHarris appointed the wife of the one wavering Dem senator to a $146,000-a-year job--to get rid of the filibuster?

You're a busy person--busy trying to raise your kids, trying to pay your mortgage and taxes, trying to keep up with all the conflicting bullshit from Fauci and the BidenHarris regime about the Chinese bioweapon and so on.  So you don't have time to keep up with what BidenHarris are up to.

That's why I'm here.

Now:  a few of you (especially if you've got liberal siblings or friends) may know that the Democrats now control every branch of  government.  Pelosi's Democrat-controlled House has already passed bills ordering all schools to allow males to compete against girls in girls' sports.  Another bill--already passed--calls for making DC and Puerto Rico states.  Still another orders that all future elections, no one will be required to show any identification at all to vote.

Not just "no PHOTO ID," but no ID of any sort.  Seems really bright, eh?

It orders all states to offer mail-in voting --and bars states from requiring that applications for mail-in ballots be signed by a witness.  Bars signature matching on mailed ballots.  In other words, it legalizes every known way to commit election fraud.  And it's already passed the House.

With the senate, like the House, controlled by Democrats, the only possible way to stop these Democrat dreams from becoming U.S. law was an odd senate rule called the filibuster.

Being U.S. citizens, and well-educated in government-run schools, I'm sure you're quite familiar with how it works, but for the millions of new arrivals coming from the south, here's how:  If the minority party feels really strongly that a bill is terrible, it can invoke a filibuster, which required 60 votes to break. So in effect, it required a super-majority to pass certain bills.  So even though the Dems had total conrol, there was still a chance to block the worst Dem bills.

Of course the Democrats are working hard to get rid of the filibuster.  Interestingly, that can be done with a simple majority vote.  With each party having half the senate seats (50-50 until DC is given statehood), it only takes one Democrat with a conscience to vote with the Repubs to preserve the filibuster.

In interviews, one Democrat--Joe Manchin of West Virginia--had indicated he would vote with the GOP.  

Now here's where things get unbelievable:  Today the White House announced that BidenHarris was appointing Manchin's wife Gayle--a school teacher--as co-chair of one of the endless number of federal cash disposals called the "Appalachian Regional Commission"--at a salary of $146,000 per year.

That amounts to roughly a $100,000 per year pay raise.

Now, I really can't imagine this story is true.  I mean, it's pure bribery, and you'd think that if it was true, the Mainstream Media would give the story the same treatment they'd have given it if Trump had hired the wife of a GOP senator whose vote he desperately needed.  So I'm sure by tomorrow the NY Times will have firmly, unequivocally debunked this story.

Cuz, geez, it's pure bribery.  Guess this is what the Dems mean by "transparency," eh?




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