February 20, 2021

Today is Saturday, Feb 20 – Day 31 of the Biden-Harris Hostage Crisis.

Last November 3rd the Democrat party kidnapped the nation.  From here on I'll be calling our situation exactly what it is: a hostage situation.

Anyone who really thinks the corrupt, senile moron who's now occupying the oval office--a man who couldn't draw a hundred people to his rallies; a man who rarely left his basement because his handlers were afraid he'd utter even more insanities than usual--really got five million more votes than the energetic, charismatic, guilt-boosted Obama is too damn dumb to breathe.

Imagine how the Lying Mainstream Media would have reacted if a laptop belonging to one of Trump's sons had been found, with sex videos and emails on it showing bribes and assorted corruption!  The story would have been at the top of every newspaper in the country, in 4-inch-high print.  Compare that to how the media suppressed the story about the laptop computer Hunter Biden dropped off at a repair shop but then forgot about.  

All you heard from the Media about that was that there was some sort of controversy, probably all a plant by nefarious Trump supporters.  Nothing to see here, citizen!  Move along!

How do you think the lying Mainstream Media would have reacted if one of Trump's sons had been appointed to the board of directors of a Ukrainian energy company paid a million bucks?  Hunter knew exactly nothing about energy production and couldn't speak the local language, but was apparently extremely valuable to the Ukrainian company.  Why?  The Mainstream Media never asked.

How do you think the Lying Mainstream Media would have reacted if one of Trump's sons had been given a 30 percent stake in a $1.5 BILLION Chinese investment fund?  It would have been headline news, taken as proof of the son's corruption.  But when it was discovered that Hunter Biden had been given that huge givt by the Chinese government, the Media quickly ignored the story.  

"Nothing to see here, citizen!  Move along!" 

The Lying Mainstream Media--like the rest of the Establishment and the Deep State--hated Trump with a passion.  They would stop at nothing to get rid of him.  You all know that's true.

Suppose that before Obozo was elected, a report by a foreign intelligence agent mysteriously appeared claiming Obama was caught in, say, a gay bathhouse in Chicago.  Ooooh!  But then suppose it was later discovered that the report was a total fake, paid for by a Republican operative?  How do you think the Mainstream Media would have reacted?

Sure:  They would have totally blasted the fake report as fake, and turned all their power to finding out exactly who commissioned the fake report, and how it was leaked to the FBI.  But with the infamous "Russian dossier"--paid for by Hilliary Clinton--the reverse happened:  The media trumpeted the "dossier" as genuine and totally ignored the fact that it was fabricated. 

Suppose that just before Obozo was elected, Republicans in congress claimed the only reason he "won" was that Russia had meddled with our election, and then used their majority to appoint a "special counsel" headed by a former director of the FBI to find the proof of this "collusion."  Suppose that this special counsel spent $25 million over two years, and found...nothing.  Do you think the Media would have printed hundreds of stories about how the Republicans corruptly used their power waste $25 million on a boondoggle they knew all along was a farce?

You bet.  But what actually happened?  The Media kept pushing the "Trump-Russia collusion" hoax for years after the Mueller report found there wasn't a hint of evidence.

Okay, just one more:  When Hilliary claimed Trump stole the election from her, the media printed that without adding a single word of criticism.  When the Democrat party actually went so far as to publicly encourage "electors" (the people who actually cast the electoral vote for their state) from states won by Trump to cast that vote for someone else, the Media didn't utter a single critical word.

Talk about "subverting our election," eh?  That act was totally subversive, and yet the media didn't utter a single critical word.  But when Trump allies filed suit against states that had illegally changed their  rules for voter registration or absentee voting to make fraud easier, suddenly the Mainstream Media decided filing suit to contest fraud was just OH SO OMG OVER THE TOP AWFUL!

I could list dozens more of these...um..."anomalies," but hopefully you get the point.

So...Day 31 of the hostage crisis.


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