Summary of much of the evidence of massive election fraud
Still think the election wasn't rigged?
The 2016 election was decided by 77,000 votes in three states--a result that led the Lying Mainstream Media to scream for the next three years that Trump stole the election, with the help of Russian premier Vladimir Putin.
The results led Democrats to actually ask "electors' of states won by Trump to cast their electoral vote for some other candidate--and the Lying Mainstream Media never said a critical word.
Last November's presidential election--at least as officially reported--was decided by a lot fewer votes than the 2016 contest: fewer than 43,000 rather than 77,000 votes. But in 2016 no vote fraud was ever detected or claimed in Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin—the states on which 2016 hinged.
By HUGE contrast, last November's election was riddled with suggestions of fraud, like this:
- Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
- Huge batches of ballots--"found" after hours in battleground states--supposedly marked overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—for Biden. Chances of this result being honest were near zero;
- Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots received after the deadline, to enable them to be counted. All for Biden.
- Lowest rates of rejection of invalid mail-in ballots in history—orders of magnitude lower—strongly suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as valid;
- Mail-in and absentee ballots found without creases. If you're a Democrat, perhaps we need to explain the obvious: that mail-in ballots have to be, y'know, mailed. Like, in an envelope. Which means they have to be folded. Which always causes creases. The absence of any creases suggests the ballots were never mailed. If they were never mailed, how did so many make it to the counting rooms?
- Tens of thousands
of ballots all marked for the Democrat presidential candidate, but
without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate. While a handful of fanatics might not like the Democrats but would still vote against Trump, logically most "real" voters would vote for the Dem candidate all the way down the ballot. But these only had votes marked for Biden, no other Dem candidate.
- The absolute refusal of vote-counting employees to make any effort at all to try to match signatures on mail-in ballots.
- The same employees immediately trashing thousands of the envelopes which contained mail-in ballots. If you're a Democrat, we'll explain: Since the signatures on these envelopes are the ONLY way to even have a chance to verify the authenticity of the ballot the envelope contained, trashing the envelopes made any subsequent check for fraudulent votes impossible. That is, any re-count would accept every mail-in ballot as valid. In other words, this would make it impossible to detect massive mail-in vote fraud;
- Other statistical and historical anomalies (at the link at left).
All of the above, and much more, did occur in 2020. Any one of these things would have caused Hillary Clinton to march into court in 2016 with an army of lawyers. And justifiably so. But not a single one of those fraud indicators appeared in 2016. In fact, quite the opposite: In Florida, Hilliary got 398,000 MORE votes than the Democrat candidate for U.S. senate.
Given how important control of the senate is, does any RATIONAL adult think Florida voters who voted for Hilliary wouldn't bother to vote for the Dem senate candidate?
Exact same thing happened in Georgia in 2016: Hilliary got 250,000 MORE votes than the Democrat senate candidate. It defies belief. In Michigan there wasn't a U.S. senate race in 2016, but Hilliary got 200,000 more votes than other statewide Dem candidates.
Conclusion: The Dems committed fraud in 2016 too--just not enough to win. But in 2020 they succeeded.
H/T Michael Anton at Am. Greatness.
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