February 27, 2021

Student in NY university suspended for saying something so horrible I don't dare even put it in the headline!

Freedom of speech!  The Founders seemed to think it was pretty damn important.  But Democrats counter that we shouldn't tolerate ALL speech, eh?  I mean, someone's feelin's might get hurt, citizen!  And heaven knows [content warning!  snowflakes who are triggered by the mention of Heaven may seek counseling, shelter and cuddles in room 101] don't think much of it.

"Wait," I hear my liberal friends wail, "We LOVE free speech!  We're, like, TOTALLY for free speech!  Well, except for hate speech, of course.  I mean, everyone knows that certain speech is just...well...just...well...'beyond the pale.' "

Okay, I reply, let me ask you, excellencies, what are we permitted to say in your totally safe, totally controlled regime?  Or if you prefer, what speech is banned?

For example, is it now a firing or suspending offense for someone to say this:

"A man is a man, and a woman is a woman.  A man is not a woman, and a woman is not a man."

Seems pretty benign to me, but you tell us, excellencies.

Let us cut to the chase:  A student in the college of "education" at a New York State university was suspended for making exactly that statement on a social media post.  The Power that runs that cesspool--the vaunted dean of the school of "education" "explained" it in these words:

After review of all available materials I find that based on your continued public stance and social media presence, you do not consistently demonstrate behaviors required by the Conceptual Framework of the School of Education.  You continue to say, "I do not recognize the gender that they claim to be if they are not biologically that gender." This public position is in conflict with the Dignity for All Students Act, which requires teachers to maintain a classroom environment protecting the mental and emotional well-being of all students.

The dean ordered that if the student wanted to resume his degree program he would be required to complete a "remediation plan," including taking down his "offensive" social media posts, and attending remedial training.  

In a fabulous display of balls against the SJW snowflake asshole dean, the student said that he refused to take part in any "reeducation training," and the asshole could f himself with a pineapple.

While that's extremely good news, the point is that the tranny lobby is SO powerful in schools of "education," and so deeply entrenched, that anyone who dares to utter the simple truth that men are men and women are women is subject to immediate cancellation, firing or whatever.

Sadly, now that the courts and the Dems have made elections completely useless, there's only one way out of this.  And it's gonna hurt.




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