February 27, 2021

Democrats OUTRAGED after Biden* orders air-strikes on Syria! Wait...that was 2017. Now? "It's all good!"


Attention all Americans:  You may have heard from certain sources that your trusted Media has a double-standard when it comes to politicians--that the Media screams about actions by Trump but is TOTALLY FINE when the same things are done by a more kind, caring, compassionate, non-racist president who is smart enough NOT to insist on "America First."

Such stories are nothing but misinformation, spread by "right-wing extremists" trying to divide our nation after the wonderful election saved us after four years of the awful Orange Man.  Yes, the same heavily-armed right-wing terrorists who've claimed--without any evidence whatsoever!--that there was fraud in the presidential election.  The same ones who invaded the capitol building in January and shot 23 innocent female staffers in cold blood!

Your media is totally honest, totally unbiased.  We are your friends!  We would never praise actions by our wonderful co-presidents if we condemned the same actions when taken by the Orange Man.  For example, after our wonderful co-presidents ordered an airstrike on Syria two days ago, we rushed to inform you of all the statements by current Democrat leaders and Jen Psaki condemning that act, which was not approved by Congress.  Cuz, we Media people are totally honest, unbiased, consistent!


See?!  Immediately after the airstrikes, Jen issued this statement, and we rushed to inform you, cuz, like, we are totally unbiased!

Wait...No, I don't see a date on there.  Wait, now I do, but it must be wrong.  She was surely referring to the current strikes.  We'll circle back to this later.  Here's Jerry Nadler:


What??  You say that tweet too was from 2017?  Nah, that's un-possible, citizen.  Say, do you have your COVID passport?  I don't think you should be in here...

Well at least our wonderful speaker of the house is consistent:


No, I don't see a date there.  Oh, THAT date!  It was so faint I couldn't see it.  Yes, Trump was president then, so I guess it's possible that when she wrote that "one night of airstrikes is no substitute for a coherent strategy" she was referring to Trump.  But I'm sure she said the same thing after the airstrike ordered by our wonderful Democrat president.  We'll circle back to you when we find that tweet.


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