February 26, 2021

Biden*-Harris appoint Richard/Rachel--who supports giving sex-change drugs to teens--to top health-care post in government

The Harris-Biden cabal has been obsessed with appointing unqualified people to both cabinet posts and assistant secretary positions.  And if you've been paying attention you know that Biden* (NMP) has appoiinted a so-called "transgender"--a man claiming to be a woman--who goes by the female name of Rachel Levine as ...wait for it...assistant secretary of health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

In case you aren't familiar with the vast number of deputy assistant posts in the Leviathan government, this would put Levine in charge of "health policy" for that department.  Thus for the country.

Keep that term "health." in mind as you read the next sentence:

Levine openly supports giving young children who fantasize about being the opposite sex puberty-blocking drugs, followed by opposite-sex hormones--even without the parents' consent.  Implicit in this policy is that the government is right to force adults to accept all decisions made by 12-year-olds as being wise and correct--at least with regard to changing their sex.

In your experience, citizen, how often do 12-year-olds make incredibly dumb decisions?  QED.

Levine--formerly known as Richard--was "Health Secretary" for Pensylvania.  As an example of this person's reasoning, Levine publicly supported the policy dictate of his state's screwy Democrat governor, Tom Wolfe, that it was just fine to put people infected with the Chinese virus in nursing homes, but at the same time took his own mother out of a nursing home on some bullshit pretext.

That should show the utter, total corruption of the nominee:  supporting a position he knew put the lives of nursing home residents at grave risk, while removing his own mother from that risk.  What more proof does one need that this person is unfit for any position of authority over others?

So with this appointment we see Team Harris appointing a demonstrably corrupt person, who pushes to give 12-year-olds sex-change drugs even if the parents object, to the top health post in government.  Almost makes ya wonder if perhaps Harris and XiDen appointed this person because of Levine's transgender status.  Nah, that's too crazy.

As an aside:  The U.K. has been pushing sex-change drugs for young children for several years, even when parents objected.  I posted that this insane policy was coming to the U.S.  Sure enough, it's here.  Running "health" policy for the Biden* regime.

Democrats:  Some of you will experience karma, when the Biden regime gives your precious, lovely but headstrong grand-daughter sex-change hormones over your and her parents' objections.  Oh wait...that can't happen.  Not because the regime won't pass a LAW that says they can do that, but because neither you nor her parents will object.

You won't object because Levine and his media supporters will have convinced you that "good parents" must accept all decisions made by 12-year-olds.  Great national policy, eh?

Oh, and if you'd like a sharp wakeup call, google "rachel levine appointment" and you'll see that 48 of the first 51 hits shown call Rand Paul "transphobic" for daring to ask media-darling Levine if he would oppose the government giving sex-change drugs to teenagers.  Levine refused to answer, instead  evading the question by saying "transgender medicine is a complex and nuanced field with robust research and standards of care.” 

Such an interesting evasion, eh?  Levine knows that an honest answer would have been a huge PR disaster for Democrats (except for the tranny lobby, obviously).  When a witness can't give the honest answer, refuse to anwer.  And for a Dem witness, it works. 

And for the record, I have no problem with adults doing anything they want to themselves.  That's freedom.  The problems I have with Biden* appointing Levine to head health policy are

  • that Levine supports letting the gruberment give sex-change hormones to 12-year-olds even if their parents object;
  • that Levine refused to answer that question at his confirmation hearing; and
  • that the Biden administration wants to put this obvious wacko in charge of "health" for the whole country.


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