February 25, 2021

Guess the location of this pic

"The planet is fatally warming!!!  At least that's what the Media constantly tell you "ALL scientists agree" on.

They also say the warming is being caused by the dread "carbond dioxide."  This sounds plausible because CO2 is a "greenhouse gas," and everyone knows that a "greenhouse" is a warmer place to raise plants, eh?

Hey, NOW we're talking, citizen!  Cuz if the fatal warming is due to rising CO2, that's clearly mainly caused by you Americans, since you use more energy per person than other nations.  So we're gonna kill all fossil fuel in the U.S., to show the world how much Democrats believe the theory. 

But when actual, y'know, data showed the planet  hadn't gotten warmer in 20 years, the Warmie hoaxters didn't miss a beat.  Instead they simply re-named their life-threatening crisis to "climate change."  And yet, mysteriously, they're still screaming about cutting CO2.  Doesn't make sense, but there it is.

Anyway, see if you recognize the location of the pic below.


It's Niagara Falls, completely frozen.

Global Warming, baby!  Keep drinkin' that KoolAid, folks.


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