February 24, 2021

Black Democrat introduces bill to appoint commission to "study" and recommend...reparations for blacks

Say, Democrats, how much do you think you and your kids should have taken from you to pay "reparations" to people who claim to have had ancestors who were slaves?

Better figure it out quick, cuz last week black Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee reintroduced a bill to create a commission to "study" the idea of paying cash reparations for African Americans.   

The bill would appoint 13 "commissioners," to be paid the absolute maximum allowed for government employees.  The members would be appointed with preference in favor of those with experience in community organizing and being oppressed.  Hard to imagine more than three or four token white liberals.

This bill has been introduced before but has never been brought to a full House vote before.  Ah, but things have changed!  Elections--even brazenly fraudulent ones--have consequences.  And now, with the Democrats controlling the White House and both chambers of congress, Pelosi will quickly, eagerly put Jackson-Lee's bill to vote of the full House.  

Because Dems have majority in the House, the bill is certain to pass the Democrat-controlled House.  Then it goes to the senate, where passage is also assured because all Democrats will vote as a bloc, along with half a dozen RINOs.  But even if all senate Repubs voted no, that leaves a tie--in which case the fake black woman who got less than one percent of the primary vote will break the tie by voting for the Dems, passing the thing.

And when the bill is passed by both chambers of congress, Biden wouldn't even think to veto it.  So it's a done deal, citizens.  So get out your checkbooks.  You moronic Democrats voted for this.  You knew it was part of the deal.

Oh, you say you didn't think this would happen?  Or maybe you supported "reparations," but because you know nothing about economics you thought the gruberment would just print money to pay for it, eh?  Is that about what you thought?

If so, you're too stupid to breed.

Uncontested authoritarianism by a single party--the party that controls every branch of government--is starting to do in America what it’s done all throughout history, including in half the modern world.

But most Democrats will think this is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  They'll feel virtuous--and after all, if a policy offers that, does anything else really matter?


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