January 31, 2021

Yet another over-reach by Biden* regime: CDC orders masks to be worn NOT in interstate travel

Lawlessness continues:  Two days ago the "director of the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine" at the f'n CDC issued an ORDER late Friday COMMANDING everyone in the country to wear masks "when traveling on conveyances into and within the United States," and "at transportation hubs in interstate transportation and at transit hubs, including airplanes, mass transit, taxis and trains, starting late Monday."  That's a quote from the ORDER.

The CDC said its COMMAND will also cover ride-share vehicles and subways, and makes not wearing a mask as instructed a violation of federal law. 

Graciously, the rat-bastard emperors at CDC said you sheep aren't required to wear masks if you're driving your own private car.  OH THANK YOU, gracious emperor!  You are so kind!  GFY.

The COMMAND follows an order from President Joe Biden on Jan. 21 directing agencies to “immediately take action” to require masks on transportation and at transit hubs.

The order was prefaced with what was supposed to be the legal authority for it:

Except...neither those sections nor any other part of federal law, as written, today, gives the either the CDC or the president* or any other part of the leviathan federal monster the authority to demand mask wearing WITHIN A STATE AND NOT ENGAGED IN INTERSTATE OR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL.

"Wait," I hear my liberal friends saying, "This gracious, perfectly reasonable order doesn't apply to travel with a state!  Can't you read?  In the first 'graf you quoted, it clearly says the order applies 'at transportation hubs in interstate transportation.'  Apparently you can't read."

No, sparky, YOU can't read.  Note that the very next phrase is "and at transit hubs."  Because that phrase immediately follows "...at transportation hubs in interstate transportation," the second appearance is clearly intended to distinguish it from the first.  Meaning the order is to apply to transit hubs NOT part of interstate transportation.  Moreover, the earlier phrase "...when traveling on conveyances into and within the United States" does NOT limit the order to interstate transportation.

In addition, the order says it applies to "taxis."  While taxis in NY City cross state lines, that's very rare in the rest of the country.  Yet the order doesn't limit the mask command to NYC.  Again, they intended it to apply to every bit of travel.  They threw in "interstate" as a mislead, to get sheep to not recognize this as an effort to grab more power for the federal monster.

"Wait," I hear my liberal friends saying.  "The order cites "42 USC 264" and several parts of the "CFR," which is the "Code of Federal Regulations," which is supposed to specify all laws applying in the U.S.  You're a deplorable, so you surely haven't read those, so you have no idea of the broad but reasonable powers we've willingly given to our betters at the CDC."

Wrong again, sparky.  I most certainly have read 'em, and they're ALL about interstate travel, or people entering the U.S. from foreign countries who might be infected.  No power to ORDER anything about travel WITHIN a state.  And the CDC emperor knew that, which is why he threw in "interstate" as a mislead.  Makes it look legal.  It's not.

Now, could the Harris/Biden* regime invoke some OTHER obscure clause buried within the 40 linear feet of the federal code, to grab this power?  For example, declaring the virus was war, and suspending all parts of the Constitution?  Sure.  But we should make them declare that if they want to seize the power.  Right now the order is NOT legal as pertains to travel within a single state.

But because no one outside the CDC and the Harris/Biden* regime knows that, if you get in a taxi without a mask, some officious cop will arrest you for violating "a federal law."  

The madness continues, and getting worse by the day.

Any bets on when the CDC decides to order you to wear a mask in your own car?

Oh, you think that's way too detailed to be real?  Consider this language from the ORDER:  They generously specify that subjects do NOT have to wear the facemask...

How gracious!  Cuz if the CDC hadn't thoughtfully included these details, ya just know that if an aircraft window blew out at 35,000 feet, dropping the oxy masks, some goofy sheep would keep wearing their MANDATORY facemask cuz...it's an order, comrade.

And I love this one:  The wizard overlords at CDC graciously allow serfs to remove the mask if you're throwing up, or if a medical crew is trying to give you oxygen.  Seriously.


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