Vid of *hearing* of Georgia senate cmte where surveillance video was revealed; Dems determined to block inquiry
Further to the topic of the surveillance video of the vote-counting facility at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, shown in my previous post: Hours after the surveillance video was delivered to investigators, the judiciary committee of the Georgia state senate held a hearing on it, and what it seemed to show.
This hearing was broadcast by Australia's Sky News. By stark contrast, not a single American network broadcast even a minute of it--arguably because our Mainstream Media isn't concerned about whether there was massive, organized vote fraud in our presidential election.
Well, at least our media isn't concerned if the claimed fraud gave the Democrats the presidency.
The video is 31 minutes, and if you have the time it's hugely instructive to see the Democrats' strategy in trying to not only get you to ignore what it shows (whatever you think that is) but ALSO to block any inquiry into the video, and what it clearly shows.
The key Democrat strategist in this hearing--understandably determined to block any inquiry--is a female senator, Elena Parent, who claims "This has all been repeatedly debunked by our secretary of state!" But then another senator asks, "Wait, isn't it true that this surveillance video was only received last night? If so, how could it possibly have been debunked by the secretary of state before he'd seen it?"
The Democrat doesn't miss a beat: "These claims were made the day after the election, and totally debunked by our secretary of state!"
Republican senator: "But since he hadn't seen the surveillance video, how could he possibly have debunked it?"
[Crickets from Democrat.]
(BTW, Elena Parent is married to a woman, so one could confidently predict she hates Trump with a white-hot passion, and would do absolutely anything to help defeat him.)
The hearing also provides more details on the water leak--which the Lying Media reported as a "burst water main"--which provided the excuse to order counting stopped and order poll watchers out of the counting center, despite which they continued to count ballots. The leak was a toilet fill line, hundreds of yards away from the counting center. The committee learned that the leak was discovered at 6:07 a.m. and was reported repaired by 8:07a.m. That is, the small leak was repaired roughly 8 hours before the Democrats running the counting operation used that leak as the reason for claiming vote counting was being stopped for the night, and thus ordering poll watchers to leave--though the surveillance video shows workers stayed in the center and continued to count ballots.
Most of the video of the hearing is boring, but it clearly shows how determined the female Democrat senator is to block any inquiry, by claiming "This has been repeatedly debunked by our secretary of state," despite the fact that the video had only been revealed a few hours earlier.
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