175 athletes thought to be female say trannies should be allowed to compete as females. Cuz fairness, citizen
How many federal judges does it take to enable the Left to destroy a once-great nation? Read on:
Last March legislators in Idaho passed a law titled the "Fairness in Women's Sport's Act."
It was instantly condemned by the Left and their Mainstream Media allies, because it had the audacity to insist that anyone wanting to compete in womens' sports in high school or college in the state had to be...are you sitting down?...a real female.
I know, it's hard to believe anyone could pass such a crazy, unfair law. The "woke" morons at Sports Illustrated were OUTRAGED, fuming that "in
essence," anyone wanting to compete as female would be...how did they put it? Oh yeah: "forced to prove their womanhood." Outrageous.
As you already predicted, a male-to-female transgender soon filed a lawsuit against this ghastly, unfair law, with the help of the ACLU. Then in August federal judge David Nye ordered that the law not be enforced until he approved it.
That's all old news. Now two days ago a slew of people thought to be biological women have signed a friend-of-the-court brief with the notorious 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The brief highlights the athletes' beliefs in the importance of equal opportunity for girls and women to participate in sports at all levels.
FINALLY, a dose of sanity! These women didn't have to compete against men claiming to be female, and recognized that having to do that would be inherently unfair, so...
Hahahahahahaha! Just kidding! As you probably already guessed, the filing--signed by soccer player Megan Rapinoe, Billie Jean King and others thought to be female--supported the idea that men claiming to be women should to be able to compete against real women.
King added “I’m proud to support all transgender athletes who simply want the access and opportunity to compete in the sport they love. The global athletic community grows stronger when we welcome and champion all athletes—including LGBTQI+ athletes.”
Now, dear readers, you too have a chance to predict the future, with absolute certainty. Does anyone seriously believe that the 9th circuit will rule against the tranny mafia? I don't. Every federal judge, from David Nye through the 9th circus, will RULE that fairness demands that men claiming to be female must be allowed to compete against real women.
It's only fair, citizen. Just like stealing an election.
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