October 29, 2020

We see things differently. But conservatives don't try to get people fired for holding liberal/socialist political views

I still love my Democrat friends and family but...you and the Mainstream Media see things your way...I'll see it my way: 

  • What you and the media see as Trump's arrogance, I see as confidence and parody.
  • What you and the media see awful, terrible nationalism, I see as someone who puts our nation first.  I have absolutely no problem with that, and if you think our president should put other nations first I can see why you voted for Obama, who did just that. 
  • You and the media wail that Trump as a dictator.  I see him as a leader.  It's telling that the leaders of your party were happy to overlook Obama unilaterally changing federal immigration law--something only Congress is supposed to be able to do--without a word of protest!  Yet you claim Trump is a dictator.  Wow.
  • You and your media friends see him as an authoritarian, I see him as the only one willing to fight for our freedoms. 
  • You and your media friends call Trump a racist, I see Mr Trump's words being misconstrued and twisted by the media daily to fit their narrative. 
  • You see him as childish because he punches back against the totally Democrat-loving media, but I see him as a fighter who is unwilling to let them get away with their lies.
  • You see him as an unpolished politician.  I agree, but see that as a welcome change; a breath of fresh air. 
  • You and your media friends angrily claim Trump hates immigrants.  You ignore the fact that he's married to an immigrant. 
  • You and your media friends claim he wants to end immigration to America, but you totally ignore that he's repeatedly said he welcomes LEGAL immigrants to America.  If you, like your party's leaders, welcome ILLEGAL immigration, that explains a lot.
  • You and your media friends were absolutely GIDDY with glee when a reporter tweeted pics of illegal-immigrant children in "cages" at the border.  He claimed Trump ordered the cages, and the entire Mainstream Media went ballistic.  Turned out the pics were taken when Obama was president.  Not a single Dem leader or media member apologized.  Millions of Americans believed the hit piece. 
  • Your party's leaders, and the mainstream media, complain that our economy is  struggling, and you blame Trump.  You ignore the fact that the economy was amazing --lowest unemployment on record--before the Chinese virus hit.  The pandemic shut it down, but you continue to blame Trump. 
  • You and your media friends see the violence in large U.S. cities and call it "Trump's America."  I see the violence in the streets of cities run for decades by Democrats, who refuse to prosecute those who burn and loot, and who refuse Trump's offers to help.  Seems to me the main problem is Democrats tolerating riots, arson and looting.
You and your media friends claim--apparently seriously--that the corrupt Biden and his socialist VP nominee will do a far better job than Trump, while the media stubbornly ignore proven information showing the corruption of the entire family, and social media cancels the accounts of major papers like the New York Post that break stories critical of your nominee.  But no bias there, eh?


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