October 24, 2020

Record-shattering low temperatures forecast for northern Rockies; media will ignore cuz "global warming"

 Hey, didja hear?  Democrats claim that because of "global warming" wait, that was last year.  It's now "climate change"--we only have 15 years to save the Earth from disaster!!!

Wait, another Democrat said 12 years, so...Wait, another one said TEN YEARS before the whole world will perish due to...what is it again?  Not "global worming" but "climate change"?  Yeh, dat's it.

But wait...which direction of this absolutely certain "climate change" is gonna kill us?  Are we gonna die because it'll get too hot, or too cold?  Cuz if your so-called "experts" either don't know (or refuse to tell us), that'll make it a hellofa lot harder to plan, eh? 

So tell us, oh Democrat wizards, which peril are you absolutely certain is gonna kill the planet?

Ah, I hear huge--if well-concealed--confusion.  Until a few years ago you self-proclaimed "experts" were absolutely sure the Earth was warming to a deadly degree.  But then when we had a string of winters with record-setting LOW temperatures, and y'all saw public support slipping for your party's crappy Green New Deal, someone on your side said, "Hey, why don't we just baffle the rubes by calling it "climate change," eh?  That way whichever way it goes, we're absolutely right!"

And they did.

Oh, and the former warmies continued to claim that "99% of scientists agree" that climate change is not only certain, but is certain to kill us if we don't act Real Soon!

So if you non-scientists (think Alexandria Cortez) don't know which end of your absolutely-certain "climate change" is gonna kill us, go ask your pet scientists--geniuses like Anthony Fauci.  Cuz it's gotta be one way or the other, right?

Go ahead.  We'll wait.  But while we're waiting, take a look at the pic below:


When long-standing temperature records fall, it's usually by just a couple of degrees.  But the changes above--admittedly just forecasts right now--are colder than the previous record lows by 16, 19, 9 and 5 degrees. 

Ah, I hear my liberal PhD friends crowing "SEE?!  We're all gonna die!!  By freezing!  We warned you that the climate was changing, and you dummies just ASSUMED we meant it was getting too hot.  We have no idea why you'd be so dumb--well, other than the fact that we called it 'global warming' for the first ten years or so.  But that was just a typo--we knew it was freezing all along!  Well, except for the parts that were gonna die by overheating."

Ohhhh-kay.  In that case, libs, tell us this:  The entire "logic" of your war against the dread gas carbon dioxide is what?  That CO2 is a "greenhouse gas."  And why did you scream that "greenhouse gases" were so bad?

Cuz they tended to make things warmer--like a greenhouse, eh?

But if the planet is actually getting colder instead of warmer, seems like CO2 would no longer be a deadly threat to all life on Earth, right?   In other words, if you now say we're gonna freeze, it totally trashes the entire basis of your war on CO2, eh?  There's no more rationale for your party's "Green New Deal."

Oh wait...I forgot:  You keep telling us YOU'RE the people who "listen to the science," and the rest of us are knuckle-dragging morons.  So...since the real purpose of your party's demand that we stop using fossil fuels was actually to kill the U.S. economy, and you aren't about to drop that scream, evidently your team now has to declare that the threat of "climate change" is in just one direction: too hot.

Glad I could help you decide which end you wanted to play.  Now if you can just do something to change those doggone new record cold temperatures!  Of course with the Mainstream Media on your side you can just lie about it and no one will be able to prove you wrong.

Well, except the folks who live in Casper, Billings, Sheridan and Helena, and know how to read their thermometers.

I'll bet they'd welcome some global warming.


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