October 18, 2020

Leftist school board committee in San Fran recommends changing the names of schools named after Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln

San Francisco's school board--which is totally ruled by leftists/socialists/communists--formed a committee to recommend changing the names of schools named for Americans the members of the board claim "have connections to slavery, genocide or oppression.

And as you could have predicted, the committee has recommended re-naming all schools named after our nation's three greatest presidents, Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson. 

Wouldn't it be great--and revealing--if someone would ask Sleepy Joe and his cunning running-mate (who has repeatedly referred to a "Harris-Biden administration") whether they agree with deleting the names of schools named after Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.  But of course no reporter will dare do that.

Wait...didn't Lincoln issue an executive order freeing all slaves?  I think they called it the E-something proclamation.  Of course not one school student out of 5,000 in the socialist hole called San Fran knows that, but you'd think "social justice warrior" types would consider that a good thing, eh?  So why in the world did the leftists recommend erasing Lincoln from schools?

Gosh, it would be so great if we had unbiased reporters who would ask Biden and Harris that question.



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