October 17, 2020

Thug in Democrat-ruled Chitcongo is released early, holds up another dealer.

You wanna know how g-d crazy liberal judges and parole boards are?

Actually you don't, but I'm gonna give you the story anyway.  Because my liberal PhD friend thinks all this is fictitious, so this is for him...

Black guy in Chitcongo pulls a gun on a woman selling weed, demands $100,000 from her.

Hey, I don't vouch for the reasonableness of dumb-ass demands from drug-addled thugs.  I just report.

Now so far this is a normal story for Chitcongo.  And here's where it gets a bit...weird.  Da guy wuz on probation for...um...carjacking, robbery, and burglary.  State records show that in 2011 he wuz sentenced to 15 years for carjacking, and to concurrent 7-year terms (i.e., horse-shit: dick-head liberal judge doesn't sentence the guy for one charge, calls it "concurrent") for burglary and robbery at the same time. But state records show he was released on December 2 of last year after spending 8 years, 7 months behind bars.

What you need to see here is that liberal judges and parole boards don't sentence thugs for crimes they were convicted of committing.  Instead they do the "concurrent" bullshit--a non-punishment--and then a liberal parole board lets the thug out so he can go back to his "job" of choice: crime.

But hey, you don't live in Chitcongo, eh?  So why should you care?

Ah.  You're not worried because you think some magic talisman will keep your delightful town from becoming Chitcongo.

Ah, sorry: The only thing that keeps your precious town from being as bad as Chitcongo is that George Soros--whose campaign contributions--hundred of thousands of dollars--have elected lefist/socialist district attorneys in virtually every Dem-ruled city--hasn't gotten around to your precious town... yet.

Socialist/communist/Democrat assholes--the same jerks who think Antifa and BLM are "peaceful protesters"--are absolutely fine with this.

Is this kind of liberal insanity fine with you?



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