October 31, 2020

How "motor voter" has made thousands of illegal aliens registered voters, despite being *legally* unable to vote

In May of 1993 Bill Clinton signed into law a monstrosity called the National Voter Registration Act, informally called "motor voter."   It required state governments to offer simplified voter registration processes for anyone who applied for or renewed a driver's license, or applied for any form of welfare.

California and other Democrat-ruled states did this by putting a small box on their forms, with a long explanation:  It said the applicant would automatically be registered to vote UNLESS he or she checked the box saying they weren't citizens.

Not surprisingly, few illegal aliens wanted to out themselves by checking the box.

In other words, when an illegal applied for a driver's license or welfare, unless that person checked the box he or she automatically got registered to vote.

Republicans objected that this was illegal, but since California has a Dem governor and Dem-ruled legislature and courts (not a single republican holds a state-wide office), this objection was ignored, and the illegal process has continued. 

Now: registered voters form the pool of prospective jurors for trials.  The state constantly mails registered voters a "summons" for jury duty.  Lots of recipients don't want to serve, and one of the ways you can get out of serving is by saying you're not a citizen.

Finally a couple of years ago someone cross-checked the people who'd returned the summons saying they weren't citizens, to get out of jury duty, against voter registration rolls.

You guessed it: Something like 9000 of non- citizens were registered to vote.  And that was just in the small area the checkers examined.

In an honest state, when someone returned a summons saying they weren't a citizen, the Court would notify the Registrar of Voters to ensure that person was removed from the voter registration rolls.  So do you think California did that?  Nope. 

And this year, of course, everyone was mailed a ballot. It's illegal for non-citizens to cast that ballot.

But ....once a voter is registered, voting officials don't check their citizenship status, so no one knows how many non-citizens vote--this year or any year.

The system has no checks.

That's deliberate.


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