October 31, 2020

American hostage rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in daring raid

Officials say SEAL Team 6 staged a daring raid in the West African country of Nigeria, rescuing Philip Walton, 27, who had been taken hostage.  President Trump tweeted his congratulations, calling the operation a "big win" for the elite force, and promised further details. 

The Mainstream Media responded with scathing contempt:

CNN:  "Navy SEAL team exposed rescued hostage to covid by not wearing masks or social distancing on rescue chopper."

Jake Tapper: "This so-called 'hostage rescue' is unconfirmed.  We're advising viewers to consider it just another political stunt by Trump until we've had time to investigate the claim."

Rachel Maddow: "Voters should be very skeptical of this outlandish claim to have 'rescued an American hostage' from Nigeria.  Our sources haven't been able to confirm that anyone named Phillip Walton was ever a hostage in Nigeria.  We're also unable to confirm the existence of the so-called SEAL Team 6.  Remember that this was the team your wonderful president Obama (pbuh) ordered to capture Bin Laden, so it's likely Trump used that name to make the story believable."

Chris Cuomo:  "You should only believe news that we report.  Anything the Trump regime tells you is probably fake news."

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer:  "We're very skeptical that this story is real, because we weren't briefed by the intel community beforehand.  Since we're the most important people in congress, the Administration wouldn't dare do something this big without briefing us beforehand!

Adam Schiff:  "I have solid evidence that this story is RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION!  But I'll only release the evidence when we impeach Trump--which we'll do if he claims he won the election."

ABC:  "Consider the timing of this announcement.  Clearly this was timed to benefit the president just four days before the election.  Some in Washington believe this story is a fake, and that 'Phillip Walton' doesn't exist.


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