August 21, 2020

Two more examples of Democrat politicians putting themselves above the rules everyone else must obey

Two recent tales from the file of  "We're the rulers, you're the serfs, so we can do anything we like" file.  First is from California, where last May Democrat governor Gavin Newsome ordered that the pay of all state employees be cut by ten percent,

Yesterday a TV station in Sacramento asked Newsome if he'd taken the same pay cut. 

Can you guess the answer?  Sure you can.  He hadn't.  His office issued a statement blaming it on aliens, but then quickly clarifying that they meant "space aliens," not the illegals so beloved by Democrat politicians everywhere.

Just kidding.  They said "A mouse chewed into the computer in the state budget office just as it was ready to process the command to cut the governor's salary, and...I see you're not buying that one either, eh?"

By the way, before the alleged "cut" da governor of California was getting $17,500 per MONTH.

And did you know he's the nephew of Nancy Pelosi?  So guess that's where he learned the tricks.

A commenter wondered, "If the TV station hadn't asked about this, would anyone in the state gruberment have caught it?"

Interestingly, per Cali's constitution there are 8 state-level elected officials.  All the others are appointed.  Only ONE of the eight took the ten percent pay cut!  Guess the other 7 didn't think they were considered "employees" since they were actually elected kings and queens.

The second report is from Chitcongo, which has been shaken by widespread riots, looting, arson and attacks on police, under the brilliant leaderhip of black lesbian mayor Lori Lightfoot.

Now, the mayor has been extremely vocal in her total support for the rioters protesters, cuz in dis free country no one can limit your right to protest!  It's right there in the First Amendment!

So Lori has steadfastly ordered her cops not to break up riots protests.  Well, until yesterday, when she DECREED that there was now one block in the whole city of Chitcongo where protests would NOT be permitted:  Her street.

If you own a major business on Chitcongo's "miracle mile" of shops, and every window in your store is destroyed and the rioters loot everything they can carry, Lori says tough shit.  But if da "protesters" try protesting on HER street, she's ordered her cops to give one command to leave, and to arrest anyone who doesn't comply.

Y'know, some cynic once observed that politicians seem to be able to make any decrees they wish, and to defy any laws they don't like, with no pushback at all.  Never called to account.



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