August 20, 2020

More on California's law outlawing independent contractors

In my previous post I told you about the corrupt California legislature--totally controlled by Democrats--passing a law (AB-5) DECREEING that residents of California could no longer work as "independent contractors."

The legislature did this specifically at the request of wealthy owners of taxi companies, and the union their drivers belong to, to destroy their competitors Uber and Lyft, which were substantially reducing the income of the owners of taxi companies.

Drivers for Uber and Lyft have always had the right to set their own hours, and are not under the direct control of the companies, so have been considered "independent contractors."  So to kill Uber and Lyft the corrupt legislature simply decreed that beginning on the first day of this year no one in California would be allowed to work as an independent contractor.

Most Americans have no idea what this actually means.  It means that if your son is an expert at, say, designing and creating web pages, and has been making good money offering that service to any company or individual who wanted his excellent service, and lives in California, the idiot Democrats in Cali decreed that he could no longer do that!

Sounds insane, doesn't it?  Sounds like it should be unconstitutional, eh?  And yet the assholes did it.

As monstrous as that decree was, it gets even worse:  The corrupt Democrats also barred California companies from contracting with independent contractors. 

It'll probably take at least ten minutes for the implications of the last sentence above to sink in.

It's analogous to a government passing a law that companies would no longer be allowed to sell to or buy from anyone who didn't have a special card issued by the government.

That monstrous provision should outrage all thinking people, because it instantly destroyed the businesses that tens of thousands of  hard-working citizens had worked for decades to build up.  To get an idea, click on any of the hundreds of stories in the poster below.  Notice all the people who wrote that California companies they'd done business with for YEARS told 'em the company could no longer use them because of the provision of the law barring companies from doing business with independent contractors.


Now for the hoot:  Many of the commenters on AB5 have said things like
"They were employees and should be treated like employees."
No.  They were "independent contractors," but I wouldn't expect moronic Democrat drones to have the vaguest idea what that means.  People that mow lawns for a living are IC's.  Free-lance interpreters.  Web designers.  Even babysitters, technically.  It's absolutely insane.

Then there's this "elite" film-maker, who's fine with the law killing OTHER people, but how DARE it impact HER elite film business!:
I can’t stand Uber and am fine with them leaving, though this law has wreaked havoc with the indie film industry, which shouldn’t have been swept up in it.


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