Two teens beat man to death. What would a reasonable sentence be?
If two white teens, with no provocation whatsoever, killed a 59-year-old black man by beating him until he fell to the ground unconscious, what do you think would be a reasonable sentence?
Okay, now what do you think a liberal judge RULED in an identical case but with the races of killers and victim reversed?
No punishment. Released on probation.
At a county fair in Maryland last year a 15-year-old black male approached the 59-year-old victim and asked him for a dollar. After a brief exchange of words, the 15-year-old punched the 59-year-old. The teen's 16-year-old brother immediately jumped in. The two teens beat the man unconscious, killing him.
Prosecutors had argued that both teens should be tried as adults, but the court denied both motions, keeping the case in notoriously lenient juvenile court.
The younger teen, who threw the fatal punch to the victim's head, was initially charged with manslaughter, first-degree assault and two counts of second-degree assault. He pleaded guilty to a single count of manslaughter and was ordered to remain in a juvenile detention facility until he completes a "behavioral modification program."
The older of the brothers was initially charged with two counts of second-degree assault. He pleaded guilty on July 8. And now things get a bit...odd.
Judge Julie Solt ordered a reporter to leave the courtroom after the teen's attorney asked that hearing be closed to the public. The judge granted that request, saying that the parties would be discussing details about the assailant's past, which would be "too sensitive to be shared in open court."
Solt eventually ordered the older teen be released into the community on probation.
The female defense attorney later said
And "I think justice succeeded in this matter." And "I think BOTH familes have acted with compassion towards one another." How in God's name did the family of the killers "act with compassion" toward the victim's family?
This entire charade is like the media coverup concerning the black male who ran up to the 5-year-old white boy next door in North Carolina and shot him in the head at point-blank range. It's like the black mob in Portland that pulled a white male driver out of his vehicle and beat him so severely--including a jump-kick to his head when he was on the ground--that will likely leave him bedridden for life.
The mainstream media deliberately doesn't report these atrocities because the Media is actively pushing for the mob to destroy the United States as we've known it.
Okay, now what do you think a liberal judge RULED in an identical case but with the races of killers and victim reversed?
No punishment. Released on probation.
At a county fair in Maryland last year a 15-year-old black male approached the 59-year-old victim and asked him for a dollar. After a brief exchange of words, the 15-year-old punched the 59-year-old. The teen's 16-year-old brother immediately jumped in. The two teens beat the man unconscious, killing him.
Prosecutors had argued that both teens should be tried as adults, but the court denied both motions, keeping the case in notoriously lenient juvenile court.
The younger teen, who threw the fatal punch to the victim's head, was initially charged with manslaughter, first-degree assault and two counts of second-degree assault. He pleaded guilty to a single count of manslaughter and was ordered to remain in a juvenile detention facility until he completes a "behavioral modification program."
The older of the brothers was initially charged with two counts of second-degree assault. He pleaded guilty on July 8. And now things get a bit...odd.
Judge Julie Solt ordered a reporter to leave the courtroom after the teen's attorney asked that hearing be closed to the public. The judge granted that request, saying that the parties would be discussing details about the assailant's past, which would be "too sensitive to be shared in open court."
Solt eventually ordered the older teen be released into the community on probation.
The female defense attorney later said
"I think that the judge ruled fairly and with compassion for all the parties involved ... we want to move forward. I think justice succeeded in this matter. My client and his family have expressed sympathy and regret. I think [both families] have acted with compassion towards one another."Really? Let's review: Black teen tries to strongarm a dollar from victim, who declines. Whereupon the perp and his brother beat the victim to death. Despite death of victim, in unprovoked attack, snowflake judge rules the killers be tried as juveniles, releases one outright and only keeps the other in juvy until he completes a bullshit "anger management program." And yet the female defense attorney has the predictable gall to say "I think the judge ruled fairly...for all the parties involved."
And "I think justice succeeded in this matter." And "I think BOTH familes have acted with compassion towards one another." How in God's name did the family of the killers "act with compassion" toward the victim's family?
This entire charade is like the media coverup concerning the black male who ran up to the 5-year-old white boy next door in North Carolina and shot him in the head at point-blank range. It's like the black mob in Portland that pulled a white male driver out of his vehicle and beat him so severely--including a jump-kick to his head when he was on the ground--that will likely leave him bedridden for life.
The mainstream media deliberately doesn't report these atrocities because the Media is actively pushing for the mob to destroy the United States as we've known it.
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