August 19, 2020

New law passed by Cali Democrats will force Uber and Lyft to stop all operations there tomorrow

For decades, if not a century or so, historians, management experts and conservatives have studied a phenomenon called "unintended consequences"--something obvious to all Americans.

Well, almost all.  Seems one huge group of Americans--half the population, in fact--hasn't heard of this.  Read on to see how the screaming obvious whacked every member of this group right across the head with a two-by-four.  Then at the end we'll see if it did any good. [Spoiler alert.]

Democrat governors (and sadly, a few Republicans), legislators and bureaucrats believe in what might be called "static analysis."  This means they believe that if they use the nearly-infinite power of the State to DECREE something, or pass a "rule," which is the bureaucrat's equivalent, the only thing that happens is...the sheep obey.  No one tries to fine a workaround, or drops out of the system.

And to Democcrats, this is perfectly logical, because they're not all that clear on this strange concept called "freedom."  To the Dems, "I have decreed it" translates to "...and so shall it be done," without fail.  It's a very...interesting...mindset. may have heard of a couple of ride services called Uber and Lyft.  They've been cutting into the income of taxi companies significantly.  One of the ways they do this is that drivers for those services call their own shots, going into service when they want to.  So they're not employees, but independent contractors.  This saves the two services hundreds of millions in payroll costs, yet the drivers still make enough to make driving for either company very popular.

How popular?  At last count, in California alone about 800,000 people drive for Uber, and another 80,000 for Lyft.  Wow.

So last year in the Peoples' Republic of California the owners of taxi companies set out to put the competition out of business, by getting the corrupt legislature to pass a LAW forcing the two ride-share companies to classify all their drivers as employees.  This would have cost Uber about $500 million.

The owners of the taxi companies promised their corrupt Democrat legislators millions of dollars in perfectly legal campaign contributions if they'd pass a bill forcing this outcome.  And after a grueling two hours of debate and compromise, the legislature passed "AB5," which took effect on the first of this year.

Hahahahahaha!  Just kidding about the grueling debate and compromise, cuz the Dems have had a veto-proof majority in the legislature for decades, so they don't have to compromise or negotiate with the other party on anything.  And with a Dem governor, if Dems want it, it's a done deal.

Cool, eh?  Exactly how gruberment is supposed to work, citizen.  Just like they taught you in...oh wait, if you live on either coast you were never taught how government was supposed to work.  Well, never mind.

Of course the Dem propaganda machine spun a VERY plausible, inspiring reason for their wondrous bill:  See, it just wasn't FAIR to Uber and Lyft drivers to be working as "contractors" cuz they didn't get health care or paid vacations.  The fact that the drivers seemed fine with this arrangement--that no one held a gun to their heads, and they were willing to make their own health-care arrangements in exchange for total control over when they decided to work--didn't matter to the Dems. They were determined.

The new law also bit lots of other Californians:  It DECREED that if free-lance writers wrote more than ten articles a year for the same publication, they'd be considered employees, at a huge cost to the pubs they wrote for.  Same deal for musicians that played more than ten evenings a year at a given restaurant or bar.  No tiny detail was too trivial for the moronic, insane dictators in Sacramento to address.

Of course free-lance writers and musicians didn't have enough political influcnce (for young Americans the translation is "money") to move the needle at all.  Uber and Lyft tried to fight the law, and asked the gods in Sacramento to give them an extension while that suit worked its glacial way thru the maze of courts.  Alas, to no avail:  Da Dems had ruled, and no exceptions would be allowed.

So...unless the legislature blinks, tomorrow Uber and Lyft will be forced to halt operations.  (The law contains a huge daily fine for any employer who dares to violate it.)  Meaning a couple of million Californians who have been using those services will either have to find some other means of getting to work or whatever.  Oh, and the drivers will lose all their income, at a time when most of the other job options have vanished with the Democrat-ruled shutdown of the entire economy in the name of the chinese virus.

Of course Uber and Lyft warned the legislature that the new law would have exactly the effect that it's about to have, forcing 800,000 drivers to lose what's often their only income, and depriving millions of their most convenient, affordable mode of transporation.

Suddenly made aware of this novel idea of "unintended consequences," the legislature decided maybe the new law wasn't all that great an idea after all, and...

Hahahahahahaha!  Lord, that cracks me up every time I think about it!  They're Democrat lawmakers, for heaven's sake!  Like their counterparts in congress, none of these people EVER admits to a mistake, or apologizes.  After all, they're RULERS, not subjects like the rest of us.

And in support of that last claim allow me to introduce...the Left, which is circulating talking points pushing the meme that the fault here lies with...the two ride-share companies..

Seriously.  An idiot leftist named Mike Bonin wrote  
In a cruel and petulant move, Uber just announced they are shutting down service in California on Thursday. Faced with a mandate to treat their workers fairly, they opted instead to leave them unemployed — in the middle of a pandemic and a recession.
Got that, peon?  The "cruel and petulant" move was NOT made by the Democrat-ruled legislature and governor Newsome, but by the companies.  And following classic socialist propaganda, the leftist said that the companies were shutting down because they didn't want to comply with a "mandate to treat their workers fairly."  So the notion that people looking for easy income would volunteer to drive for the companies, without being forced, went right over the head of idiot Bonin and his leftist comrades.

See, socialist rulers will not allow you to make a free-will decision if they don't like it. It really is as simple as that.

Oh, and did ya see that emotional line about " the middle of a pandemic AND a recession"?  Of course if the Left was really concerned about the people affected instead of just the ability to score easy points by charging the companies with greed, the moronic, dictatorial Democrat legislature could have taken notice of the pandemic and recession and allowed the two companies to maintain the status quo the end of the lockdown.  But of course, they refused.

Ya know, every so often I get this crazy idea that the country would be better off if we killed, oh, 88 percent of all politicians (yes, Dems and RINOs) and started over by randomly throwing darts at a list of phone numbers.  Fortunately that only happens on days ending in Q.

Or Y.

Oh, here's the tweet by the idiotic Mike Bonin.  Mike graduated from Hahvahd, says he's a "progressive Democrat," a recovering drug addict, recovering alcoholic and gay.  He's also a city councilman in LA.  Mike checks the boxes for almost every carefully coddled "protected class" in the Democrat party, and now he's helping the Dems' shape public opinion to deflect all blame and responsibility from his comrades for ruining the lives of thousnds or tens of formerly successful, self-employed independent contractors.  Their callous, corrupt LAW ruined tens of thousands of successful independent contractors, all because the corrupt legislature wanted to destroy Uber and Lyft to help their donors who owned cab companies and whose drivers were union members.
Democrats and socialism:  It really IS that simple.

To really understand the monstrousness of this LAW--authored and passed entirely by Democrat legislators, and signed by a Democrat governor-- take a look below: It's a collection of hundreds of one-paragraph stories by people who had successful businesses--some in business for 20 years or more--whose businesses and lives were destroyed by this monstrous law.  Click on any one of them to blow it up.  There are over 800.  You have to see a dozen or so of these to believe 'em.

This is what socialist dictators accomplish, just as they have in Cuba, Venezuela and everywhere socialism has been tried.  Your kids need to know this story, and how a corrupt legislature ruined thousands of lives so callously. 


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