May 03, 2020

Will the Democrat National Committee (Tom Perez) replace Biden as nominee?

Joe Biden is the "presumptive" nominee for the Democrat party both because he won more primaries, and because the top strategists of that party vastly preferred him over Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Eric Swalwell and the rest of that sparkling field.

But now, as Joe's dementia becomes more apparent (he'd be the oldest nominee ever) and the Media work heroically to quash a claim of by one of his former staffers that Biden sexually assaulted her, the DNC and other Dems may be having second thoughts.  Many analysts speculate that the Dems would like to replace Joe.  Question is, how do they do that without offending Democrat voters who voted for him in the primaries.

One option is to pick a very polished vice-presidential nominee.  Then the Dems' Media wing would publish thousands of stories about how important it is to have a great veep candidate "just in case" the prez has a "medical problem."  Many stories would talk about the fabulous competence of the veep candidate, and how he or she would be constantly kept up to speed on world events, and would instantly be ready at all times to step the tragic event that Our Wonderful Joe might have..."a medical problem."

See, citizen?  Everything will be fine.

This scenario explains why New York governor Cuomo has been given two hours of air-time ahead of president Trump's daily virus briefing, with not a single "reporter" doing any bullshit sniping or asking pointed questions.  So Cuomo looks polished and wise, while Trump has been fielding daily questions of "Does it boher you that all these tens of thousands of deaths are your fault?"

The only problem with this option is that Joe promised to name a female VP.  If the DNC chose Cuomo they'd have to find a way to explain the total shift.

This brings up the second option:  Replace Biden as the top nominee.  The most-defensible choice would be the second-highest candidate from the primaries--self-declared socialist Bernie Sanders.  Certainly the socialist wing of the Democrats would be happy enough, but the DNC would risk losing those few Democrat voters who--inexplicably--aren't convinced socialism is a great system.  But with the help of the unbiased media, comrade Sanders could be re-framed as a patriotic American who simply wants to give more free stuff to voters.

Yeah, dat's da ticket.

But the option that offers the best chance of beating Trump is to replace Biden with Cuomo.  Of course there's no way to do that "democratically," since Cuomo was never a candidate, so didn't get a single vote in the primaries.  For the Dems to replace the democratically-selected nominee by decree would seem to be a bit...problematical.

But never fear, comrade: the DNC has a way that will keep everyone who voted for Biden on the reservation.  They simply have a selected doctor give Biden a medical exam "to confirm that his health is strong enough to serve a full 4-year term."

Sadly, the exam will supposedly find evidence of some stroke or other medical condition, at which point the doc will--with great sadness, of course--announce that he simply cannot "clear" Joe to run for office.  Whereupon the DNC will simply invoke some bullshit "rule" that no one ever heard of to announce the party's new presidential candidate:  the charming, charismatic, wise Andy Cuomo.

Of course rejecting the second-ranking Dem candidate--Sanders--will entail some...risk.  But with the help of the Media in fanning Trump-hate, it's possible virtually all the folks who voted for Bernie will vote for the party in hopes of defeating da eeeebil OrangeManBad.

So my bet is either Cuomo as VP, or as the Dem presidential nominee.  Of course I'm just some goofy blogger from flyover country, so...

Of course there IS a third option:  Biden picks Hilliary as veep, with the quiet promise to resign if the Dems win.  Wow, that's a sure winner.


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