April 11, 2020

UK professor who claimed virus would kill over two million Americans refuses to make his computer model public

Neil Ferguson is with the Imperial College of London (verify).  He claims to have a super-duper mathematical model of how many people will likely die due the Chinese war-virus.

His model runs on a super-neat modern thingy called a "computer." 

Six weeks ago Ferguson claims his "computer model" predicted the virus would kill over two MILLION Americans by August. 

Since Ferguson was a professor at a university, the Mainstream Media quickly shouted this claim as loudly as possible, without even a whisper that this was just a guess.  Just one problem:

Now it looks like his "model" thingy was...a bit off, and that the number of Americans killed will probably be...um...60,000 or so.

Whoa.  Two million, and now 60,000?  That's quite a difference, eh?

There are lots of screwball professors at universities, so one man's goofy claim is to be expected.  What's interesting is that not a single member of the scientific community challenged his claim. Where were the skeptical challenges on his claim, and why, when governments acted on it, did nobody from that community say 'not so fast'?

When Trump said that a drug used for 80 years "might" help, so-called "reporters" screamed bloody murder, and asked him to prove his outrageous "might help" claim.  By contrast, Ferguson published his claim of two million dead Americans, and the press and the scientific community didn't utter a word of skepticism, nor demand proof..  Even now, has anyone asked Fauci and Birx about the erroneous report?

The real hoot is that one computer programmer asked Ferguson to make his code public, Ferguson refused, saying the code was "13 years old" and "not well documented," so he claimed it wouldn't be possible for other experts to check its validity.

Uh, really?  Ferguson is a fraud.  A con-man.  And yet the media swallowed his claim with nary a word of protest.  Tells ya everything you need to know.


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