April 10, 2020

The same people who were delighted to kill the economy on wild guesses demand absolute proof on...

Have you noticed that the exact same people who say we have to shut down the country based on nothing but guesses and "models" are the same ones who demand that no doctor be allowed to prescribe hydroxychloroquine until 10,000 subjects have been subjected to double-blind clinical trials that conclusively prove the drug effective?

So interesting that the anti-Trump crowd sometimes takes mere speculation as conclusive proof that we must do something dramatic and destructive -- shutting the country's economy down -- but in other cases thousands of near-miraculous cures are dismissed as merely "anecdotes," and not enough to encourage doctors to prescribe a well-tested drug with minimal side-effects.

If the economy doesn't recover by October, Dems win the presidency and both houses of congress.  So the Dems are determined to keep the economy in the toilet til then.  So...they do that by keeping the state lockdowns in place as long as possible.  So watch for the Dems and their media allies to roll out this pro-lockdown line:  if any governor proposes to lift their state's lockdown, the Left will scream that that governor is "prioritizing dollars over the lives of our most vulnerable citizens--members of the 'Greatest Generation.'"

Just watch.


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