April 11, 2020

Didja ever notice that...

Ain't it funny that whenever there's a federal government shutdown, two things happen:
  1.  The Mainstream Media always blames Republicans; and
  2.  The same Mainstream Media is absolutely FILLED with tearful, tragic sob stories about da po' government workers who are sitting at home and not getting paid...today.  (They all eventually get their back pay, but that would distract from the pathos.)

But NOW, with the shutdown driven by the governnors of 42 states, and non-government workers crying that they can't feed their families and have to get back to work ASAP, even though the media been hammering the huge numbers of unemployed, they've avoided publishing any sob stories.

It's almost exactly the same as with regular layoffs:  When non-journalists get laid off, the media doesn't care much.  But in recent months, as unprofitable papers laid off journos, suddenly layoffs were a major story.

Huge difference when they're the ones getting hurt, eh?


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