Ever notice that the virus curve looks remarkably similar to...
Ever notice that the coronavirus curve looks remarkably similar to Michael Mann's "hockey stick" curve (the one that was first used to scream that the planet was fatally warming)?
Mann was later found to have "cherry-picked" his data (scientific fraud), and has lost at least one lawsuit for refusing to turn over the data he allegedly used to generate his graph. Also, emails recovered from the University of East Anglia in the U.K. show Mann plotting with co-conspirators about how to "hide the decline." The actual data showed the globe cooling slightly, and they couldn't allow that to be known.
Here's the curve for total corona cases world-wide:

Whenever a freedom-favoring western government is headed by a conservative--like OrageManBad-- leftist screamers claim "you're all gonna DIE!" And this claim is faithfully re-screamed by the Lying Mainstream Media without a single word of caution. Cuz, you just have to believe 'em.
Mann was later found to have "cherry-picked" his data (scientific fraud), and has lost at least one lawsuit for refusing to turn over the data he allegedly used to generate his graph. Also, emails recovered from the University of East Anglia in the U.K. show Mann plotting with co-conspirators about how to "hide the decline." The actual data showed the globe cooling slightly, and they couldn't allow that to be known.
Here's the curve for total corona cases world-wide:
Whenever a freedom-favoring western government is headed by a conservative--like OrageManBad-- leftist screamers claim "you're all gonna DIE!" And this claim is faithfully re-screamed by the Lying Mainstream Media without a single word of caution. Cuz, you just have to believe 'em.
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