March 16, 2020

Obama played golf the day his admin declared an emergency for swine flu. Media gushed over his "measured response"

More evidence that the Mainsream Media is using the coronavirus to torpedo Trump:  In 2009 the "swine flu" hit the U.S, eventually killing 12,000 Americans.

How did the media react in 2009?  The NY Times was typical, praising what they called Obama’s leadership.  Here's the Times from May 1, 2009:
A week after his administration first received word about a deadly flu spreading across Mexico, President Obama convened his cabinet on Friday and instructed every agency to play a role in preparing the United States for a pandemic.

The president’s comments came at the end of a weeklong balancing act in which his public words and actions were carefully measured to summon a sense of urgency without setting off a panic. It was no coincidence, his aides said, that he played golf the day his administration declared a national emergency.
Imagine if Trump had played golf the same day his administration declared a national emergency.  Does anyone think the Mainstream Media would have praised Trump's actions as "carefully measured to summon a sense of urgency without setting off a panic"?

Not only no but hell no.

The Lying Mainstream Media want Trump to lose.  If that takes crashing the U.S. economy and killing thousands, every last one of 'em would consider that a reasonable trade.


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