Flashback: Obama ordered $1.7 billion in CASH to be flown to Iran's mullahs to sweeten his faabulous "nuclear deal"

Okay, before liberal readers start screaming that the $150 Billion Obama paid to Iran was really their money all along--money paid to the U.S. by the Shah before 1979 for U.S. weapons, and which we'd kept after the mullahs overthrew the Shah--I'll stipulate that's true. But keep thinking, Dems:
Obama was not forced to repay Iran--money that enabled the mullahs to keep funding terrorism and weapons used to kill U.S. soldiers--at the time he did it. Imagine how much more helpful it would have been to pay that money, with interest, AFTER the people of Iran overthrew the mullahs' dictatorial regime, eh?
Oh, and the Lying Mainstream Media has also studiously ignored the EXTRA $1.7 BILLION in CASH--actual paper currency--that Obama ordered sent to Iran by plane to sweeten the supposedly faaaabulous "nuclear deal," some of the terms of which have never been made public.
It's worth noting that neither Obama nor the corrupt Kerry EVER MENTIONED that giving the mullahs $1.7 Billion in cash was part of the deal, cuz even low-information Democrat voters just might have thought that was a bit fishy, eh?
BTW, a couple of you may recall that before Obama's first election he promised that his would be "the most transparent administration in history."
How'd that promise work out, eh? Yep, just like "If you like your health insurance or your doctor you can keep both." Total lie, from start to finish.
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