When Trump was elected NYT economist predicted markets would NEVER recover! Really?
Barely an hour after the Lying Mainstream Media was sadly, reluctantly forced to admit that Donald Trump had somehow been elected president (stealing it from the overwhelming favorite, Hilliary, undoubtedly due to help from Russia), economist Paul Krugman penned a dire warning for the NY Times: Markets, he said, were plunging--and he believed they would “never” recover.
The full quote is "If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.

In case you've been off-planet for the past 35 months, the Dow Jones industrials have gained ten-thousand points since Trump took office.
In fact, all three major exchanges are at all-time-record highs. Oh, and employment--for EVERY ethnic group--is at all-time-record lows.
Gosh, Paul, I thought you were supposed to be a crack economist. Tell us, does it hurt to be so abysmally wrong? But don't feel bad: Every single member of the elite mainstream media agreed with your prediction. So at least there's that.
The full quote is "If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.

In case you've been off-planet for the past 35 months, the Dow Jones industrials have gained ten-thousand points since Trump took office.
In fact, all three major exchanges are at all-time-record highs. Oh, and employment--for EVERY ethnic group--is at all-time-record lows.
Gosh, Paul, I thought you were supposed to be a crack economist. Tell us, does it hurt to be so abysmally wrong? But don't feel bad: Every single member of the elite mainstream media agreed with your prediction. So at least there's that.
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