December 27, 2019

Unbelievable: Dems are pushing to ban single-family zoning. Already happening.

After winning total control of Virginia's state government, Democrats there have introduced a suite of bills that would let the state government overrule local zoning to bring high-density housing--including public housing--to suburban neighborhoods, whether residents want it or not.

The measure would eliminate single-family zoning, allowing duplexes and doubling population density.

Democrats claim these changes are needed because suburbs are bastions of segregation and elitism, as well as bad for the environment.

Days after Democrats won control in Virginia, state delegate Ibraheem Samirah introduced six housing measures, claiming "the suburbs have not done their part in helping out.”  He said suburbs were “mostly white and wealthy” and that their local officials — who have historically been in charge of zoning — were ignoring the desires of poor people.

He also wants to force suburbs to accept low-income public housing complexes. “Under current zoning, new low-income housing is relegated to underinvested neighborhoods, concentrating poverty more. Ending exclusionary zoning has to be part of broader housing reform,” he said.

Naturally you can't believe that any city would ban something so fundamental to freedom as single-family zoning.  And the idea that a distant state capital could force cities to do that is even more outrageous and unbelievable, right?

But under Democrat rule, both have already happened.

Minneapolis eliminated single-family zoning last year after progressive advocacy groups demanded “equity.”  Democrat-ruled, socialist-loving Austin and Seattle soon followed.  But those were cities amending their own zoning regulations. which have always been set by local governments.  The first state to prohibit cities and towns from single-family zoning was Oregon, last July.

Social-justice warriors, sensing an issue to rally black voters, are claiming that single-family zoning is a tool used by whites to maintain segregated neighborhoods and that banning single-family zoning is "necessary for equity."

They admit that getting socialist states to pass laws banning single-family zoning will enable them to.
“circumnavigate the complaints" of suburban whites. Democrat, so SJW's can ban single-family zoning in every state.  Cuz nothing could be more fair than state governments forcing suburbanites to accept high-density public housing.


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