December 19, 2019

California closing last nuke plant, 3 gas plants, is importing 29% of the electricity it demands

If you're like most Americans you spend almost all your time working and/or raising their kids, so you don't have time to learn about the economics of energy--especially in other states.

Democrat pols count on that.  So let me give you a quick primer on what you need to know--and you really, really need to:

At last count more than one out of six people living in the U.S. lives in California.  And of course like all residents of this nation--legal and otherwise--Californians demand electricity and gasoline.

Problem is, California's legislature has banned fracking.  And new powerplants.  And forced the state's electrical utilities to shut down their last two nuclear powerplants.  And to close three natural gas generating plants in Southern California.

And who did all this?  The Democrat pols who have run California's legislature for 50 years.

But hey, they're just trying to clean up the environment, right?  So to their supporter they're just doing God's work.

Ooooh, that sounds SO good!  And it would be, except for one tiny glitch:  Cali hasn't cut its USE of gasoline or electricity, and isn't producing as much as it's demanding.  Instead the state is simply importing the difference between the energy it demands and what it produces.

In 2018 the state imported 29% of the electricity it used.  That's a lot.

That is SO cool, eh?  Democrat pols get votes for posturing about cleaning up the environment, but they're really just shifting where the electricity is generated!  Wow!

They've discovered that spouting environmental policies wins them enough votes to get re-elected.  So if they can force electric plants to shut down, they look good.  And if residents of Cali pay 50% more for electricity than the national average--which they do--who cares, right? don't live in the Peoples' Republic of California, so why should you care what electricity costs there?

Well okay, you shouldn't.  But the point is, if every state's pols make it impossible to generate enough electricity, where do you think the stuff will come from?

Wait, I got it:  Mexico.  Or maybe Canada.  Or maybe we can just get people to cut their use by 30 percent or so.  Yeah, dat's da ticket!  Surely you can cut your use by 30 percent with no problem, right citizen?

Now think about this:  As Dem/enviro shutdowns spread, then when--not if--all generating capacity in the entire nation is less than demand, what do you think that'll do to the price of electricity?

Ya say you've never thought about that?  Well of course not.  Cuz we've always lived with more capacity than demand.  So no one has ever thought that Dem pols continuing to reduce supply could ever change that, eh?


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