December 20, 2019

Cali Dems pass law making it almost impossible for companies to use "contractors"--unless...

If you're a hard-working American you probably don't spend even a minute a month wondering if this is this really a free country.  Well consider this: 

Lots of people pick up a little extra cash driving for Uber or Lyft.  Because the drivers choose their own days and hours, and the companies have almost no control over these distant drivers, they consider the drivers "contract workers."

The drivers seem comfortable with that arrangement.  And in a free country, you'd think adults should be able to freely contract for their services, eh?

Actually the IRS has been re-classifiying "contract workers" as employees for tax purposes for decades.  Last year the black-robed tyrants of California's "supreme court" took that a step further, ruling that unless a job passed three specific tests, whoever held that job would be considered an employee instead of an independent contractor.

The tests were  a) the worker did not take direction from the company, b) was not performing what the court called "the core work that the company performs;" and c) that anyone seeking to considered a contractor had to have registered a "limited-liability company" (LLC) "or similar, registered business entity."

The first test imposed by California's black-robed tyrants was easy, but "not performing the company's core work" was a bullet aimed squarely at Uber and Lyft. 

But the real atrocity was the last one:  What damn business does the gruberment have telling adults that they have to set up an LLC to offer their services to several parties at once?  It doesn't.  This is as much bullshit as Obama and the Democrat-run congress ramming thru a DEMAND that every American citizen must buy health insurance--and only plans approved by a gruberment asshole--or pay a penalty.  It's absolutely outrageous.

But wait, citizen, there's MORE!

Yes, friends, the Democrat-ruled Cali legislature decided to "codify" the court ruling.  This allowed the legislators to receive millions from wealthy groups seeking an exemption from the new law.  And it worked:  doctors, lawyers, realtors, insurance agents, "certain licensed health care professionals," registered securities broker-dealers or investment advisers, direct sales salespersons, commercial fishermen and others managed to get exemptions.  Part-time, un-directed drivers for Uber and Lyft--in no way more "employees" than, say, insurance agents didn’t.  Ditto for freelance writers and photographers. 

See, the bill (A.B.5) was really aimed at raising costs for Uber and Lyft, but a few other groups had to be thrown under the bus to keep this real goal from being so obvious.

Oh, and the corruptocrats who passed this had the gall to add "Nothing in this act is intended to diminish the flexibility of employees to work part-time or intermittent schedules or to work for multiple employers." 

Well, except for the law's new demand that anyone wishing to offer to work for multiple employers--the very definition of a contractor--had to set up an LLC.

Now, you don't live in California, so why should you care what they do to their citizens, eh?

Because all state corruptocrats watch what Cali does.  Anything that gruberment does that increases its power, control or revenue is a sure bet to hit all Dem states within a couple of years.

But be sure to vote Democrat, citizen.  Cuz independent contractors are a threat to unions and governments.

Oh, by the way, a bit of good news:  It may be just coincidence but many political websites like Vox, ThinkProgress and others have been ending their use of "contractors," who have been doing a lot of their posts.  And as you might guess, those left-wing, super-union, down-with-the-struggle comrades are, um...less than thrilled about it.

Oooh, can you say "unintended consequences"?  Or how about "Karma, baby." 

Or the ultimate offense to left-wing "journalists":  "Learn to code, jerks."

H/T American Spectator.


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