July 30, 2019

Mueller report finds not a shred of evidence of "Russian collusion." Dems pivot to Plan B

For two entire years, every time the Lying Mainstream Media mentioned the "Mueller report" they invariably used the same word to describe its absolutely certain finding:  "Damning!"

As Tucker Carlson put it, "so damning you could block the Colorado River with it and create your own hydropower."  Yep yep yep.

Umm...so when the much-hyped "damning" report was finally made public, what did Mueller find?

Not a scintilla of evidence of "Russian collusion"--which was the entire excuse for appointing Mueller in the first place.

But Democrats weren't about to take that as clearing OrangeManBad.  No sir!  So they and their allies in the Lying Mainstream Media neatly, seamlessly pivoted to Plan B:  That the president was guilty of "obstruction of justice," either by firing Comey, or trying to get sessions to fire Mueller, or...really, would it matter?  They were determined to overthrow this president, and if the painstaking, costly investigation by Mueller and his Democrat investigators found no evidence of "collusion," the Dem leaders would find something else.  And no one explains this treasonous charade better than Tucker Carlson:


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