July 29, 2019

Idiot Dem tweets that whites own dogs cuz "deep down they miss owning slaves." Really, she said that.

Just when you thought liberals couldn't be any dumber:

Do you love dogs?  Have one?   Delightful, lovable critters.  Now: If you're WHITE, do you know WHY you love your dog?  No?  Well here comes a liberal to tell ya:

Yep...if you're white--but only if you're white--the reason this idiot bitch claims you love your dog is that you "deep down miss owning slaves."  You "love the owner/master dynamic, desperate for something to control."

Really, she wrote that.  It's almost impossible to believe that anyone could be that cynical and demented.  (BTW, have you met Nancy Pelosi, Alexi Cortez, Chucky Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Eliz Warren, Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden yet?)

Danielle's tweet is so moronic that one is almost tempted to think she's a Trump supporter trying to demonize the Left/Dems.  Uh, no.  She really is a Democrat.

A commenter pointed out "Obama and Moochelle owned dogs. Did they want to be slave owners?"

Of course Danielle only ascribed "dog owners really miss being slave owners" only applies to WHITES.

Another commenter noted "I'm white.  I never owned slaves.  Neither did any of my ancestors.  But I own a dog.  Please explain how your comment is remotely rational, or even passingly sane."

Ya have to wonder how many liberals and Dems wholeheartedly believe this crap.


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