August 17, 2019

U.K. has a bureau that bans ads showing people doing "normal" things

European nations are SO much more sophisticated than we are, eh?

Well, that's what our so-called "elites" continually tell you.

Here's an example:  Britain now has a government bureaucracy called the "Advertising Standards Authority."  Which employs 3,285 people, including an "Investigations Manager."

And what would you think an "investigations manager" does for the government?  You'd think it bans ads that make false or unsupported claims or some such, eh?  Or maybe ads by conservative groups, as Fakebook has already done here.  Yeah, dat seems totes reasonable.

Nope.  What that bureaucrat does is...ban ads that feminists consider not to advance social engineering objectives.  The new rules demand that ads must not include “gender stereotypes that are likely to cause harm, or serious or widespread offense.”

Of course you can't believe a government would actually do that.  Total waste of tax money, eh?

Amusing that you'd think "progressive" politicians would be influenced by logic.

In any case, Investigations Manager Jessica Tye says she recently banned two ads.  One, by Volkswagen, showed men “engaged in adventurous activities,” while the only two women depicted were asleep in a tent and sitting by a baby carriage.

Jessica also banned an ad that showed two distracted young fathers in a restaurant "who appeared unable to care for children effectively.”

Ah, well NOW it makes perfect sense, eh?  The ads apparently violated the new rules, which demand that ads not portray “gender stereotypes that are likely to cause harm, or serious or widespread offense.”  And surely you can see the harm those ads caused, right?

And if you can't see any actual, y'know, harm, at least you can see "serious offense," right?

Can't see "serious offense" either?  No matter:  the RULZ have a "catch-all:" "Widespread offense."  Because even if the "offense" was trivial, half the wimmenz in da UK were undoubtedly offended, so there ya go.

In the future the only ads that'll be allowed will be ones that don't depict people in classic roles.  Women astronauts and presidents will be fine.  Women being mothers, banned.  Men as hairdressers, fine.  Men climbing mountains, banned.

If you don't think that's coming here under a Democrat president, you're too naive to breathe.

Is there anyone in the U.S. who wonders why white birthrates in all western nations are below replacement levels?  Yeah, didn't think so.


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