August 17, 2019

Dem leaders: 'Numbers? Reality? Both are tools of the oppressor, so we reject 'em!'

Liberals and Democrat politicians implicitly believe that if they just DEMAND something loudly enough, whatever they demanded will work.  Indeed, MUST work.  Because they are compassionate, right-thinking elites, and they want to do good!  (Well, most of 'em.)

With credentials like those, how could a liberal program NOT work, eh?

Little details, like underestimateing costs by a factor of 3 or more, simply don't matter to these people.  They'll just pass another law to fix it.

This is the thought process that enabled the current top Democrat, Speaker of the f''n House Nancy Pelosi, to go before scores of cameras and say (literally) "We have to pass [Obamacare] to see what's in it."

Literally, that's what she said.  And not a single Mainstream Media outlet derided her for that.

Imagine the howls of derision on every front page if a Republican speaker said something that dumb.

Okay, the above is necessary background for something extremely serious, and relevant, that you can do something to avoid.  Here it is:

a)  Hospitals can't refuse Medicare patients.  b) Because the government runs Medicare, the government tells hospitals (and doctors) what it will pay for each and every procedure.  This amount is ALWAYS less than the hospital charges privately-insured patients.  Hospitals don't have any choice, since the law says they MUST accept everyone.  So it's either take what Medicare decrees, or get nothing.

c)  Lots of hospitals in the U.S. are going bankrupt, and closing.  Others are teetering on the brink.  They're staying solvent (i.e. can keep running) only because private insurance companies pay more for all procedures than Medicare will.

d)  You may have heard that every single Democrat candidate supports "Medicare for all"--which would make private insurance illegal.

If you're a college student or college graduate, surely you're smart enough to draw the obvious conclusion:  If the Democrats win in 2020, and ram "Medicare for all" down your throat, outlawing all private health insurance, many more hospitals will lose the extra income that now keeps them solvent.

Democrat leaders: "Whut?  Nah, we dispute that conclusion.  You used 'white supremacist' logic, which means you're wrong.  You've ignored the benefits of syllogistic cotangential exponential cost-curve bending, first described by President Obama (pbuh).  So you're wrong!"

But ya know, reality has a way of revealing what's true and what's bullshit--sometimes at great cost to the people who voted for the party that pushed the bullshit.  (Though interesting, never at any cost to the politicians who actually passed the unworkable program.  They always get away free.)

Of course Democrats must have wonks who know all the above. So they've already devised a "fix."  And amazingly, I already mentioned it in the 3rd 'graf above:  They just pass another law to patch any flaws in the first one.  Lather, rinse, repeat as often as needed.

In this case Bernie Sanders--who has more experience with socialism than his rivals--has already proposed a $20 Billion fund to prop up failing hospitals.  This has the double-benefit of eliminating any criticism of "Medicare for all" from the companies that run hospitals--which would have lost money like mad under MFA--since it signals them that the government will take care of them.

How cool is that, eh?

Say, do you wonder how Sanders and staff came up with the $20 billion figure?

Hahahahahaha!   Simple:  Pulled it out of the air.  Cuz the actual, y'know, number doesn't matter a bit.  After they're in power they can increase it by a factor of ten, and no one will say a word.

Cuz, "free medical care for everyone, baby!  Just like Europe!  It's a 'basic human right,' just like a house or cell phone or 65-inch TV, citizen."

And if you dare to disagree with 'em you must be raaaacist.


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